Nick's Bad Day

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A/N: this photo got posted and then deleted idk where but it's all over tiktok I can't wait for season two! I decided to make a one-shot about it!
TW: Ben Hope, mention of assault

Nick woke up in a bad mood. The main reason was that Charlie isn't going to be at school, he had a doctor's appointment to get an update on how his progress on his eating disorder was going.
He felt anxious for his boyfriend, who had been working so hard on his meal plans and getting himself to eat snacks. It was a struggle for the both of them but Nick was so proud of Charlie.

Another reason for the teenager's mood was he had to get assigned a seat-mate for his new form group. Nobody could compare to Charlie. He never liked change and this was a big one for him. He got so used to sitting next to Charlie, it's his favorite part of the day and now he had to wait till lunch to see him. 

"Nick Nelson!" The teacher smiled in greeting as Nick walked over to her desk. "Hi, Ms.Smith." He said in reply. "You are going to be sitting over there next to Ben Hope." She announced. Nick froze at the name.

This day felt like a nightmare.

Nick glanced over at the table and tensed as Ben sat there with a nervous look on his face as he spotted Nick.

"What are you doing just standing there? Go over and sit." Ms.Smith instructed. Nick drew a sharp breath before walking over to the table. He set down his bag and sat down, avoiding eye contact.

"I can't believe I have to sit next to you," Ben mumbled under his breath. He was clenching his jaw and fiddling with his pencil.

Nick scowled. "I can't believe I have to sit next to you." He said in amusement. If he was annoyed before he was beyond pissed now.

Ben was not going to help his mood whatsoever. "If we are going to sit together you better not even look my way," Nick warned.

Ben rolled his eyes. "Like I want to. I don't know why Charlie is even attracted to you." Nick clenched his jaw and kicked Ben's shin hard under the table.

"It's because I treat him right. I don't fucking assault him." He snapped, not being able to contain his anger any longer. Nick got up and walked out of the classroom. He ignored Ms.Smith calling for him to get back.

Nick had to get away from Ben before he punched his face again. He walked into the bathroom and called Charlie, wiping his eyes as tears threatened to escape.

"Hi babe!" Charlie answered as he walked into his room, they had just gotten back from the doctor.

"You'll never guess who I have to sit next to for form." Nick sat down not caring that its the bathroom floor, he needed to calm down.

"Harry?" Charlie guessed, worried since Nick sounded stressed.

"Worse." Nick sighed and rubbed his face, "Ben." He answered for Charlie.

"Oh my god, that's awful. Maybe you could send an email to the office to ask if you could change your form?" Charlie offered, trying to stay calm for Nick's sake.

"I didn't even think about that. You're so smart babe." Nick chuckled, "I just got mad. he said shit and needed to get out of the classroom before I punched him again."

"Understandable." Charlie nodded. "Maybeeee you could skip the rest of the day and come to mine? I need cuddles after the doctors office." He whined.

Nick wanted to facepalm. "I'm so sorry, I didn't even ask how your appointment went. How did it go!?" He asked, desperately needing a distraction.

"Hey no s word!" Charlie warned jokingly. "It went okay, as you know it's hard for me to be in a hospital setting and getting weighed sucked. But I'm making good progress! The doctor said I'm right on track and don't need to worry about it." He answered.

"I'm so proud of you." Nick smiled softly and got up. "Because of that I'm coming to yours and skipping the rest of the day." He decided.

"Only because of that?" Charlie said in amusement. "You're adorable."

"Oh hush." Nick grabbed his bag and walked out to the car parking lot. "I'm on my way."

"Yay." Charlie said in relief, "you could cuddle the anger away." He said to make Nick smile. And it worked, Nick smiled as he began to drive to Charlie's. He didn't know what he'd do without Charlie, he'd probably murder ben if it wouldn't have been for Charlie calming him down.

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