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A/N: I've been writing a lot of sad short stories, so I thought I'd finally do a happy one! Enjoy :)

If you told Nick two years ago that he would be in a relationship that had lasted this long, with a GUY and that now he was thinking about proposing, he would have laughed. He couldn't be more grateful for Charlie.

Everyday that Nick spends with Charlie is the best days, he wants that to continue on forever. So that's why Nick stood at the doorstep of the Spring's household, knocking on the door on a Sunday. He was holding wine and flowers taking a deep anxious breath.

Nick was there to meet with Julio and Jane, to get their blessing on the engagement. He had never been more nervous in his life.

What if they say no? Would he still propose anyway?

"Nick! Hi! Come on in!" Julio smiled as he opened the door. Nick nodded and walked in, he pulled off his shoes to be polite and handed Julio the bottle of wine. "I got you this and Jane some flowers." Nick rambled.

"Awh, how nice! I'll put them in a vase right away." Jane rambled, she grabbed the flowers with a smile.

Nick nodded and fiddled with the ring box in his pocket. Yes okay, it's going good.

"why did you want to talk to us? Alone, without Charlie?" Julio asked as Jane began to set the table. Nick sat down shyly.

"So-" Nick began but Jane interrupted him by setting down the plates of pasta and meatballs.

"I hope you are okay with pasta and meatballs!" Jane chirped. Nick nodded with a smile. "Hun Nick was about to say something." Julio chuckled.

"Oh yes! Sorry Nick go on!" Jane nodded.

"I came here to ask your blessing and permission to marry your son."
Nick blurted out, he got even more nervous as it went to awkward silence.

Julio smiled in delight, when Jane seemed hesitant. Nick looked back and forth at them anxiously, waiting for a reply.

"You have my blessing." Julio assured, while Jane stayed quiet. Nick's whole face light up in relief, oh thank god at least one of them says yes.

"Mrs.Spring?" Nick asked Jane, with big eyes.

Jane glanced at Julio, unsure of what to say. "I feel like you guys are to young." She said.

Nick froze a bit, he was not expecting that. Charlie was 21 and Nick was 22, that was to young? "Jane, they aren't to young at all! We got married at 19 and 22!" Julio argued.

At least Julio was on Nick's side. Nick smiled towards Julio in relief. At least he was on his side.

"I guess your right." Jane sighed and rubbed her face.

"I-I uh, wasn't thinking this would be such an issue?" Nick managed to ask. Julio nodded and looked at his wife waiting for her to say her reasoning.

"My god." Julio said as he realized something. "It's not because Charlie is marrying a guy instead of a girl. Is it?" He growled.

Nick tensed and anxiously fiddled with the promise ring that Charlie gave him years ago. This was not going well.

"I just..had a certain image of how this was going to go. I'm still trying to get used to the idea." Jane explained.

Nick had to fight the tears that were threatening to form in his eyes. If Charlie found out Jane thought that, he would be pissed. Charlie had been out for years! How is she still getting used to the idea?

"Well I'm sorry but I have Julio's blessing. So I'm still going to Propose to Charlie." Nick got up.

Julio quickly got up as well. "I'm sorry about Jane." He followed Nick to the door.

"This is the ring." Nick pulled out the ring box from his pocket and opened it to show Julio. Julio smiled at the ring, it was a stunning blue diamond, silver and shiny.

Julio knew that Charlie was going to love it. He hugged Nick who squeaked in surprise but hugged back, with a soft smile.

"Thank you for making my son happy the past couple years. I know Charlie would've had more of a hard time without you." Julio said.

Nick smiled and nodded. "I love Charlie so much. I don't know what I would do without him. I'm going to take charlie to the beach where we had our first date and propose at sunset." He rambled out his plan.

Julio smiled in delight. "Well don't be nervous I know charlie is going to say yes."

Nick chuckled and walked out with a sigh. He pissed at Jane for the things she said, but happy Julio was okay with this so he didn't feel guilty on not listening to Charlie's parent  wishes.

'Just left your parents house, on the way home!' Nick messaged charlie as he got in his car. They owned their own apartment downtown.

'Okay! I just finished my shift. I'll be home soon too!' Charlie replied, he worked at a cafe shop.

'I was thinking we could have a date tonight? I want to take you to the beach we had our first date :)' Nick sent excitedly.

Charlie smiled at his phone as he got the message. Holy crap, was Nick going to propose to him tonight? He was giving charlie a bunch of small hints this week.

'Yes! Of course! Can't wait :)'

A/N: Part two coming soon!

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