Curfew pt.2

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A/N: I wasn't originally going to make a part 2 but a few of you asked for another part so here you go! I appreciate your feedback! :)

TW: eating disorder, urges

Charlie had trouble getting out of bed the next morning. He knew it was going to be a tough day. The guilt still lingered from making his parents worry, and his mind hurt. Thoughts screamed at him, saying how he was a bad son for making his parents worry like that, how he didn't deserve Nick since he got their date shortened. Why did Nick like him in the first place? He was nothing but problematic. He didn't want to go downstairs and face his mom, who would give him one of those disapproving glares. That's become a normal routine for them recently.

Tori knocked on the door before peeking into Charlie's bedroom. She was worried since he didn't come down for breakfast, and it's bad for his eating disorder to even just skip one meal because it may set him back.

"I brought you a plate of eggs," Tori said. She didn't usually like to do things for others, but when it came to her younger brother she would do anything. "Thanks." Charlie sat up and made room for her to sit.

"I know your phone is a coping skill for you. I got you a flip phone. To use for grounded emergencies." Tori explained with an innocent smile, handing the device to him.

Charlie squeaked and tackled Tori into a hug. "You're the best sister ever!" He had big relieved eyes. He didn't know what he'd do without Tori, she was one of the reasons why he was still here.

Tori patted Charlie's shoulder and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah." She hummed as she walked out of the room. Charlie set the plate of eggs aside, that can wait. He grabbed the flip phone after seconds of figuring out how to use the device he put in Nick's number that he memorized.

Char: hopefully you can guess who this is. I got grounded and Tori got me a flip phone to use to distract myself from my crazy brain :) lolz

Nicky: char!!!! I missed you sm I thought I was going to die

Char: dramatic much?

Nicky: no bc ur my everything xx

This caused Charlie to blush. God at least Nick can't see him while they message.

Char: I miss you too tho. 2 weeks is so long. I got to be careful with how much I use this flip phone so I don't get caught :(

Nicky: :(( maybe I can sneak over

Char: then you'll most likely get caught and banned :((

Nicky: ugh. This is the only reason why I hate summer vacation I can't see u everyday

Char: same!! I Love you

Nicky: I love you too <3

Charlie sighed and put the flip phone underneath his pillow, praying that Jane won't think to search through his things.

Charlie tried to compose himself to not blow his cover of hiding something when a knock appeared and someone was entering his room.

"You didn't come down for breakfast," Jane said, more as a question than a statement.

Charlie showed his mom the plate of eggs Tori had brought up for him. "Tori brought me this." He explained in a sassy tone.

Jane sighed, she was trying to show that she was worried since he didn't come up to eat but it came out as rude instead.

"Charlie don't skip a meal just to protest because we grounded you. That's immature behavior." Jane said in response to Charlie's sass.

"Don't bring my eating disorder into this please," Charlie begged. He didn't want to argue with Jane anymore, he couldn't handle it and wanted it to be over.

Jane noticed how exhausted her son seemed, "Make sure to eat those eggs." She said sternly before walking out the door.

Charlie didn't understand how she could go from arguing with him to caring so quickly. He threw away the plate of eggs, feeling nauseous after Jane brought up him skipping a meal and began to pace.

The thoughts began to get loud and demanding. When his mind began to spiral his arm itched and pried for him to do something.

No, he was not going to let them win this time.

Charlie grabbed a duffel bag. He packed a change of clothes and his toiletries. He walked over to Tori's room who looked up from her laptop in response.

"Can you please drive me to Nick's?" Charlie begged, tears threatening to escape his eyes.

Tori sighed, she knew that this was a bad idea and that they would just end up getting in trouble. But she also knew Charlie wouldn't ask unless his thoughts were getting bad again. She didn't want him to do anything stupid.

"Okay, fine. But you owe me." Tori got up and grabbed her keys. She walked downstairs with Charlie following behind her.

"Where do you think you're going? Charlie, you are still grounded!" Jane stood up from the couch.

Tori motioned for Charlie to go out the door before turning to their mom. "Yeah, we know Charlie is grounded but his thoughts are getting worse and I'd rather drive him to Nick's instead of him doing something stupid." She snapped and walked out the door.

Charlie sat in the car, sighing in relief as Tori walked over to the car meaning Jane didn't stop them from going out. He grabbed out his flip phone so they wouldn't suddenly show up at Nick's house unannounced.

Char: I hope it's ok but Tori is going to drive me over to yours.

Char: I got into another fight with my mom and I need a break

Nicky: of course it's okay! my mom said ur welcome here anytime!

"Thank you." Charlie hugged Tori tightly before getting out of the car. Before he could even open the door Nick pulled him into a hug.

Charlie sunk into his boyfriend's arms, hiding in his chest. "Want to go upstairs and watch a movie?" Nick suggested, wanting to make Charlie smile again.

Charlie nodded and held Nick's hand as they walked inside. He giggled softly as Nellie jumped up onto him excitedly, wagging her tail. He pets Nellie before following Nick upstairs. "Okay, so we can watch-" Nick was about to suggest movies but oofed in surprise as Charlie pulled him into a kiss. "What was that for?" Nick smiled he had big happy eyes.

Charlie clung to his waist. "For you being an amazing boyfriend."

Nick kissed Charlie's forehead and rocked him. "you deserve nothing but amazing." He complimented and blushed in embarrassment.

"You're so Adorable." Charlie smiled and got into bed as Nick started a movie.

This was Charlie's safe place, being beside Nick and being held in Nick's arms. For once his mind finally got quiet, and he felt safe.

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