I'd Fight For You

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TW: homophobia, biphobia, violence. Also, I want to make it clear when I have these insults in my chapters it's not what I think, it's just a part of the one-shot!!
I hope you guys like this one! It's not my favorite but let me know what you think!

If you guys have any requests for one-shots feel free to message me!!

"You told Harry to piss off...I enjoyed that."

"So did I..."

"I'd do it again."


"I'd fight them."

"You'd fight?"

"I'd fight anyone who's mean to you."

Charlie meant it when he said he'd fight anyone that was mean to Nick. He just didn't expect that he'd have to do that so soon though. He walked into school and was on his way to his locker to get books for class when he overheard someone talking about Nick.

"Is it true that Nick Nelson is bisexual?" A classmate who seemed to be his age asked. "Yeah, that's what I've heard why?" His friend asked in confusion.

"Why would they let him be team captain? It makes the whole team look bad since the captain can't decide between a guy or girl." The classmate laughed. His friend joined in the laughter. Charlie clenched his fists.

That's bullshit, it doesn't matter what the Team Captain's sexuality is for the team to look good or bad.

Charlie would walk by and stay quiet if it was about himself, but when it came to Nick he'd do anything to protect his boyfriend. "Why does it matter if he is bisexual? He's good for the rugby team. It's not nice to talk about someone like that." He snapped. This caused the two classmates to turn to Charlie.

"Aren't you his boyfriend?" One asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah so? That doesn't matter. What matters is the fact you're talking shit about him." Charlie sassed.

"Jesus, I didn't know that gays were so feisty." The guy's friend laughed.

Charlie scuffed in annoyance he was tired of all the insults thrown his way. "You guys think you're so cool insulting others but all it does is prove that you got nothing better to do with your life." He argued.

"If I were you I'd shut up." The guy warned. "Dude quit it-" his friend tried.

"Or what? You going to shove me into the lockers like everyone else?" Charlie raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms.

"I'm going to beat you up that's what." The guy stepped closer to Charlie as if he were a predator attacking its prey.
Charlie stepped back as he got closer, his back pressed against the lockers.

Nobody was in the hallways since the class had started by now. "Do you want to be known for beating up the gay kid? That's pretty lame." Charlie tried not to show how scared he was.

"He's right, we're late to class." The guy's friend urged. The guy sighed and walked off with his friend in frustration.

Charlie leaned against the lockers with a sigh, trying to comprehend what just happened. He didn't care about being late to class, he cared about the fact that those guys were talking shit about Nick. At least he stuck up for him, that's all that matters.


"Charlie Spring?" Mr.Lange called out for attendance.

Nick sunk into his seat and looked over at the empty spot next to him. Where was he? Charlie's on time or even early for form, it's unlike him to be late. He pulled out his phone and checked it to see if he had missed a text from Charlie saying he wasn't coming to school or something like that...


He had a gut feeling that something was wrong. He raised his hand to get Mr.Lange's attention.

"Yes, Mr.Nelson?" Mr.Lange asked.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" Nick asked.

"Yes. Make it quick." Mr.Lange said.

Nick got up and walked out of the classroom, his mission was to find Charlie. He was about to go to the art room where he would usually be but oofed as he bumped into someone. He was about to apologize but looked up and saw Charlie.

"Char! There you are!" Nick said in relief. He pouted in worry as Charlie had a stressed-out expression on his face. It wasn't unusual for Charlie to get stressed out, but if he was late to form because of it, something had to be up.

"Hey, you okay?" Nick pouted and opened his arms offering a hug.

Charlie walked into Nick's arms and clung to him. "Yeah. I just had to stick up for you." Charlie hid in Nick's shoulder.

Nick looked at Charlie in confusion, "What do you mean?" He rubbed his back in a comforting way.

"I overheard these two guys talking shit about you and I went over to get them to stop. But one of them threatened to beat me up. I don't know what came over me, I don't usually walk up to someone at school. But they were talking about you and I just...snapped. I don't want you to be talked about like I was." Charlie rambled.

Nick had big soft eyes as he listened to Charlie. "Oh babe, thank you for sticking up for me." He kissed him.

Charlie kissed back and leaned into Nick, sighing. He felt safe again being in his boyfriend's arms. "I meant it when I said I'd fight anyone who's mean to you. You don't deserve to be mistreated because of your sexuality." He whispered.

Nick wrapped his arms around Charlie and hugged him close, kissing his forehead in a comforting way.

"I really appreciate the fact that you stuck up for me, I know that takes a lot for you to do. But your safety comes first, I don't want you to get threatened at all babe." He had worried eyes.

"Okay," Charlie said and fiddled with Nick's uniform jacket, sighing. "People suck." He mumbled and hid on Nick's shoulder. Nick chuckled in amusement and nodded, "Yeah, people do."

"We should probably head to form. I told Mr.Lange I was going to the bathroom I don't want him to think I was taking a long shit." Nick joked and smiled in victory as he got Charlie to laugh.

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