Bumped Into the Past

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A/N: this takes place when Charlie and Nick are in University and engaged!

TW: Ben

Nick hummed to himself as he walked down the aisles, determined to finish what he needed to get to return home to his loving fiancé, Charlie. He begged him to get groceries so he could make dinner for them, which Nick thought was adorable since they usually did frozen meals or takeouts while living together in university. Nick tried to assure Charlie that it was unnecessary but that stubborn little fucker still sent him off to the grocery store. God, he loved him so much.

Char💋: are you almost done?????

Nicky💛: babe the list is so long give me some time 😭😂❤️

Char💋: ughhh 😫

Char💋: I just miss you

Char💋: and I'm hungry

Nicky💛: so you're just hungry 😒

Char💋: shut up rugby lad!!!!

Nicky💛: but you love meee 😘

Nick laughed to himself, he loved when they bantered back and forth it made his day way more interesting than it usually was. He was about to put his phone back into his pocket when he bumped into someone, of course his clumsy ass would.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, totally my fault." Nick rambled out. He looked up after putting his phone away and froze as he saw who it was....

Ben Hope.

He still looked as disgusting as ever in Nick's opinion.

Ben scuffed as he realized it was Nick. "Watch where you're fucking going. Probably texting one of your whores." He snorted.

Nick rolled his eyes, he didn't want to waste any time on this wanker. He just wanted to finish his shopping and get home to his fiancé.

"I don't have any whores, you probably do though. I'm actually engaged to Charlie. You know, who you assaulted back in high school." He seethed, clenching his jaw.

Ben's eyes darkened. "Why do you have to keep bringing that up? I apologized god dammit! I'm getting better!" He shouted, which caused a couple heads to turn their way.

Nick drew a sharp breath, trying to calm down so they didn't cause a scene in the middle of a grocery store. He stared at Ben. If looks could kill Ben would drop dead, "The fact you asked if I was dating any whores, is showing that you aren't doing any better." He murmured.

Ben lunged forward, punching Nick square in the face. It didn't caused an affect on Nick, stuff like this happened at rugby all the time but all the costumers shopping around them scrambled to help and get security. He was more embarrassed than anything else.

"How sad, really? Resorting to violence once again." Nick snickered at Ben in amusement, holding his now bleeding nose with his hand.

A security guard walked over with a disapproving sigh, tired from a long shift. "I'm sorry but I'm going to have to escort the both of you out of the store for causing such a scene." The big dude said. Nick frowned at his shopping cart, he just wanted to be a good fiancé and go grocery shopping for Charlie. He can't even do that right?

"Fucking hell." Ben rolled his eyes and followed the security guard out of the store. Nick stayed behind them, not wanting to be anywhere near Ben.

What was he going to tell Charlie?

He didn't even want to say the name Ben in to Charlie or in their flat at all. He got into his car and rubbed his face once his nose finally stopped bleeding, his hand was red. It really looked like he murdered someone.

He wished he could've murdered Ben in that grocery store....

Maybe in his dreams later.

Nick decided to call Charlie on the way home to explain why he was going to show up with no groceries.

"Babe! Are you on your way home? I'm so fucking hungry I could eat Nellie!" Charlie rambled to Nick. Nick couldn't help but chuckle soflty. No matter what mood Nick was in, Charlie always cheered him up. 

"About that." Nick chuckled nervously, not sure how Charlie was going to react to this. Charlie paused, worried, "Nick? What did you do? How can you get in trouble at a grocery store!? Do I need to hire you a babysitter!?" He asked in a joking way, trying to ease the tension.

Nick smiled fondly, "No!! I didn't get in trouble. I uh, did got kicked out for causing a scene though..." he mumbled as he drove.

"Nick!!!!" Charlie squeaked.

"Oh!! No, no!!! Uh, god I could've worded that better. Uhm, I bumped into Ben as I was shopping. He said some...Nasty shit, So I had to sass him back, to show him what he said was wrong, you know? That pissed him off I guess. He punched me and a security guard threw us both out, even though I did nothing wrong." Nick vented.

"Oh luv, That sounds awful." Charlie said softly, "Forget about the groceries okay? We can order a pizza and watch a marvel movie." He suggested.

Nick chuckled as he pulled into the driveway, revealed that he was home. "But you hate Marvel movies!"

"I wasn't the one who was punched in the face today! I think you have the choice of movie tonight, babe. Even if it's marvel." Charlie assured.

Nick shook his head.  "Well, lucky for you I just got home." He informed with a hum. Charlie squealed excitedly, "Yay! I will call in for the pizza. You come in and get comfy. Nellie is super excited to see you." He rambled.

Nick smiled and got out of the car. He ended the call and sighed softly,

happy to be home.

Charlie was his home.

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