𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒

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Vegas, Venice and rain walked in the house and were greeted by Pete and Macau "hello"
"Swadeekarb" pete greeted, eyes on rain.

"Swadeekarb" rain gave a wai.

"You look so cute" pete smiled. Rain's cheeks flushed in embarrassment. He wasn't expecting this to be the first line Venice's papa would say to him.

"I know he is cute but he is mine" Venice sassed, wrapping his arm around rain's shoulder making the younger smile, showing his rabbit teeth.

"Narak" pete smiled to himself looking at his whipped son. Pete now believes that venice is truly in love with rain and not just messing around with him.

"Are you guys hungry?" Pete asked.

"I'm starving" Macau replied

"When are you not?" Venice poked

"Phi! Control your son!" Macau whined to Vegas

"Well now he's not my responsibility. Tell his boyfriend that" Vegas teased

"P'phayu" rain scolded him.

"Pa! See because of your brother in law my rain scolded me for the first time" venice whined to his pa.

It was quite amusing to rain see his boyfriend like this.

"Okay okay, stop your bickering, come for lunch." Pete shook his head at their dynamics.

The family sat down around the table with their beloved while Macau sat at the side.

Pete lovingly served the food for rain while the maids served the food for the others.

"Woah! Its only been a few minutes he came into the house and already has your whole attention" Macau said.

"I'm just showing my love and care to my son in law, whats wrong with that?" Pete said.

"S-son in law?" Rain choked on air

"Aren't you my wife?" Venice said pulling rain closer by his waist, face so close that their noses were touching.

"We're still here" Vegas looked at them.

"Want me to list all the things you've done to la in front of me?" Venice sassed.

"If you both wont stop it here itself i will kick you both out of the house" pete threatened.

Hearing this the father son duo immediately became quite. See his Phayu acting like a spoiled, cute kid with his parents, rain couldn't help but let out a giggle.

"You're so adorable" venice tickled rain's chin.

"Alright let's start our lunch?"

The Theerapanyakul's and rain spent the lunch talking, flirting, scolding, and the basic questioniar.

"Rain?" Pete called

"Yes? Khun pete?"

"No need to be so formal call me papa, now you're a part of the family" pete smiled lovingly at him.

Rain was surprised by this statement and couldn't be happier to be excepted by Pete "karb papa"

"Then... Call me Dada" Vegas added

"Ok... Dada" rain

"Rain what are you majoring in right now?" Macau asked after a moment

"I'm majoring in architecture, in the same University as P'Phayu" rain replied.

"P'phayu?" Pete looked confused.

This question again. Rain was tiered answering the same question again and again. But what can be do? It was his papa asking so he answered again

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