𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑖𝑥

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"That's it for today class. Make sure to submit your assignments, Friday is the last day. Thank you." The teacher went out of the classroom and all the students started leaving the class.

"Ai sky, did you finish the assignment?" Sig asked sky

"Yeah i finished it on the weekend" sky replied, getting up with his bag.

"Your fast"

"Hey everyone! Let's go get some drinks?" Rain asks

"No, I've got somewhere to be at. Later." Sky patted rains shoulder and went out.

"Do you think it's his rich boyfriend?" Sig asks looking suspiciously at the door through which sky just went out.

"P'pai? What about him?" Rain innocently asked

"Why are you always so lost?" Sig cried to himself.

"Just leave it, let's go I'm thirsty" Sig quickly disposed the matter.

-with sky-

Sky took a taxi to go to prapai's office. He has never been there or has seen how it is.

Hell he didn't even know the name until he Googled prapai's name the next day they got together.

As the taxi came to a stop, sky got out and stood in front of a huge building. It looked hella rich from outside, sky didn't want to imagine what it would look like from inside.

Not that sky was after money but he did hit the jackpot.

Smiling to himself at the thought, sky walked in through the doors.

The inside was nothing less than a mall. As in it looked exactly like a mall from inside just instead of shops there were cabins, offices and more different rooms that sky didn't want to read what they were.

Sky looked around at the people busy doing their work, walking off to somewhere, walking in, walking out.

Sky looked lost.

He should've asked prapai where his office was. He must be in the meeting right now so can't ask now either.

Sighing he walked up to the front.

"Good afternoon sir, how may I help you?" The lady at the front desk greeted him with a polite smile.

"Good afternoon, i would like to know where khun prapai's office is" sky asked with a polite smile as well.

"Well sir, you can't meet boss without an appointment, do you have an appointment?" The lady asked politely

"I don't." Sky replied

"Then sorry sir i can't let you in" the sky apologiesed

"But I'm his boyfriend" sky explained

"Sir there are many people who come and claim that they are boss's partner for many different reasons" the lady explained

"Okay" sky sighed to himself. He checked the time and there were still 10 minutes for the meeting to end. He can wait here till then.

Sky walked to the lounge area and sat down on the big couch. He took out his phone and opened prapai's chat.

I'm waiting in the lounge
After you are done come down

After sending the message sky looked around taking in the decorations. It honestly looks elegant.

If he was to decorate such a big building he wouldn've definitely made something royal out of it.

He liked it.

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