𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦

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Sky walked around the club, looking for his tall Balck haired man worriedly but couldn't find him.

He tried calling prapai but the latter did not pick up.

Sky was now standing near the dance floor, looking around when a man approached him.

"Hey cute stuff" the guy flirted.

"I'm taken" sky answered without looking at the said man.

"Well i don't see anyone here, you seem pretty free to me" the guy said, snaking his hand around sky's shoulder making him uncomfortable.

Sky tried to push away the man but to no Vail.

"Leave me. I'm saying it for your own good. If my boyfriend gets to know about you, you'll not even be recognisable" sky threatened the man.

Even he didn't know if Prapai would really do something like this but nothing goes in saying that.

"I don't see him here" the guy insisted.

As he said that, he was thrown to the floor.

"Now you see him" prapai said, furious.

The fallen man stood up angrily, holding his jaw where he was punched.

"You son of a bitch!" The man growled angrily, punching prapai back, making him stumble and fall on sky.

"P'pai!" Sky gasped.

The man raised his fist again for a punch. Sky covered prapai with himself in protection, waiting for pain but nothing came.

Sky looked back and saw bodyguards dragging the man away.

He sighed in relief and immediately looked at prapai.

"P'pai? Are you okay?" Sky asked, cupping the face and turning it left and right to check.

"Is he good?" Kuea asked, standing beside sky.

"Don't know, he didn't say anything" sky replied.

"P'pai? Reply to me naa~" sky cooed, wanting prapai to talk with him but to no Vail.

Sky sighed.

Prapai stared into sky's eyes blankly for a moment. Than he let it out. He let out his tears.

Sky gasped "love?!"

"Wou downt wove me!" Prapai wailed, talking like a kid.

"Huh?? Who told you that?! I told you i love you so much!" Sky ressueared.

"Y-you scolded me! A-and left me for a stranger!" Prapai wailed.

"P'pai~ he is my pa, you hurt him that's why I scolded you, i did not leave you my love" sky explained, wiping away the tears.

"Pa?" Prapai's eyes widened, no longer crying.

Sky and Kuea both nodded.

"Father in law!" Prapai gasped, bowing 90⁰ to kuea.

"He's... Got nice manners" kuea awkwardly laughed while sky facepalmed himself.

"Stand up phi" sky said and Prapai immediately shot up and looked at him.

"Let's go home?" Sky said to prapai who nodded.

Sky and Kuea led prapai to prapai's car as prapai was a little wobbly.

sky extended his open palm to prapai who just looked at it blankly for a second and then immediately smiled brightly as if he just solved a riddle.

He leaned forward, bending down and kissed the open palm.

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