𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑁𝑖𝑛𝑒

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"dada how long will it take more??" Rain asked, sitting impatiently in his seat.

"Almost there bub" Vegas replied, taking a turn.

Vegas and rain were on their way to a drive-in movie theatre for their little outing.

A few minutes later Vegas pulled in, in front of the screen.

The movie has already begun which made rain whine "dada! You shouldve reminded me early!"

"I'm sorry. I won't repeat it again" Vegas apologised.

Never in his life did vegas think that he would be apologising to a 19 year old over such a petty reason.

Rain can do unexpected things. He even changed the heart of the cold hearted man.

Rain was now used to acting spolied in front of his in-laws and they had no problem in spoiling him more. And whenever venice see's this, he scolds his parents saying that they are making rain a spoiled brat only to get a response like

"If you can't take care of a spoiled brat, we will do it"

"He's too cute to not spoil"

"He deserves to be spoiled, unlike you"

And much more replies.

Rain would always give venice a victory smirk whenever his in-laws had his back.

But that didn't mean venice didn't had tharn and type's back. Oh hell he did!

Whenever rain started acting bratty and wouldn't listen to him, he has his own "ways" to make disciplined but rain takes advantage of this so many times venice complains to type about this.

And like a typical mother, type gives a long lecture to rain and when tharn come to his rescue type startes blaming him too saying

"he has become like this because of you! You have spoiled him too much!"

Ah~ just a typical family behaviour.

The movie went just well. Rain way into the movie, growing when he disapproved of something, lips trembling at sad scenes, pouting when angry at the lead, and making cute angry noises at the stupidity of the main lead.

It took every cell in Vegas's body to not laugh at just cute reactions rain was giving. At some point he started recording this and made a mental note to put it in the family group chat which included everyone.

And everyone as in all the Theerapanyakul's, all the Kirigun's and all the Wang's. They all are fond of rain and Vegas would be generous enough to bless them with such a cute video.

The movie ended soon and they got out of there with rain giving his reviews on the movie.

As soon as they were out rain's stomach growled loudly in need of food. Vegas laughed at the sound while Rain pouted, a hand holding his stomach and his ears red in embarrassment.

"What do you want to eat?" Vegas asked.

"Mmm... Grilled meat!" Rain replied.

"Okay! I know a really good place" Vegas smiled.

Soon they pulled in the parking lot of a restaurant which looked a little fancy.

Rain and Vegas got out of the car and walked in the restaurant as the girl greeted them.

"Good evening sir, table for how many people?"

"2" Vegas replied.

"Please follow me" the girl guides them towards the table of two but Vegas thought it was too small for them so they shifted to the table of four.

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