𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑖𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛

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The couple entered the nameless shop and sky couldn't believe what he saw.

It was something totally unexpected.

Inside was themed like a park with small play things and like a small jungle with various types cats, various types dogs, various birds and bunnies!

"Oh. My. God" sky gaped at the scene in front of him.

"You like it baby?" Prapai grinned.

"Like it? I love it!!" Sky jumped on prapai, wrapping his legs around the elders waist and arms cricled around the neck and lips clasped on lips.

Prapai barely stabled themselves, with the unexpected move.

"I love you so much p'pai!" Sky giggled and again kissed prapai while prapai stood there, holding sky stably, eyes wide in schok and amazement.

Sky giggled "earth to p'pai"

"Love, don't do that! Its not good for my heart!" Prapai breathed heavily.

"Do what?" Sky asked, frowning.

"Giggle like that! And the sudden affection!" Prapai grinned and sky giggled again at the comment.

Prapai leaned in to kiss sky when they were interrupt why a cough.

"I guess you forgot this is a public space sir" one of the workers here brought them out of their cozy shell.

Sky got down from prapai, face red with embarrassedment. Geez how did he lose control like that?

"I-im sorry" sky apologiesed.

"Don't apologise for that" prapai frowned only to receive a elbow on his chest.

"It's okay sir" the worker smiled politely.

"Ive heard about you from khun prapai and i couldn't agree more with him" the worker added with a grinn.

Sky looked at prapai embarrassed. Does his man never shut up about him?

"My sky, this is lily. The owner of this shop, and khun lily this is my beautiful sky" prapai introduced them to eachother.

"It's nice to finally meet you khun sky" lily smiled.

"Nice to meet you too" sky gave a embarrassed smile.

Sky swore he has never been so embarrassed in his life ever.

"I'll leave you two to look around, you can call me when you done." Lily said and left the couple alone.

Sky turned around to prapai and pinched his nipples.

"Ow! baby what was that for" prapai laughed.

"Can't you keep you mouth shut to other people?? Why do you go around telling everyone about me??" Sky pouted.

"I can never shut up about you... Unless you do it yourself by shuting me up with you lips" prapai smirked.

Sky again pinched Prapais nipps, this this harder and more painful.

"Ow!" Prapai rubbed his chest.

Sky ignored him and walked inside the glass separator.

As soon as sky step his foot inside a black fur ball attached itself to his leg.

Sky looked down to his leg and saw the most adorable sight in his life!

It was a Balck fur kitten snuggling into his leg and looking up at him with its blue eyes!

It was a Balck fur kitten snuggling into his leg and looking up at him with its blue eyes!

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