𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦-𝐹𝑖𝑣𝑒

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Since it was summer vacation for the young architecture students, their boyfriends agreed on taking their boyfriends on a trip.

But to where?

That was a surprise for the young students.

Right now sky and prapai are at sky's dorm as sky packed his bag.

Prapai had finished all his office work early so he can take a two-week break for his lover.

"twilight~ get out of my bag, I can't take you with me naa~" sky cooed at his cat.

Twilight was sitting in sky's luggage, stopping him from packing his stuff.

Leo was sitting outside the bag like a good boy, staring at sky.

The fair bit looked at his two children with sadness.

Even though he didn't want to leave his babies but he can't take them with him either.

"Twilight, come here! It's time for some food~" prapai tried to lure the young kitten with her favorite treat but the kitten did not budge.

"Come here baby~" prapai tried again but the kitten meowed at him, telling him that food won't work this time.

"Twilight ~ come here" sky picked up the little kitten.

When Leo saw that sky had picked up Twilight, he immediately stood up, wagging his tail and pawed sky's legs.

Sky laughed at his jealous puppy and picked him up too and kissed them both.

"I'm sorry my babies but papa can't take you with them, you'll have to stay with grandpa tankhun for two weeks" sky explained to his two babies with a pout.

Prapai help back a snort at the 'grandpa tankhun' part. He would definitely use it to tease his uncle.

Leo's ears dropped along his tail making him look like a kicked puppy.

Sky immediately melted at the sight.

He looked at prapai with his own puppy eyes which he knows would melt prapai right away "p'pai-"

"No" prapai replied firmly, looking down at the floor as if it's the most interesting thing in the world.

"Meanie" sky pouted.

"I'm sorry babies, i can't do anything. Your dada isn't allowing" sky said to the two animals and let them down.

The two immediately went to prapai and pawed his legs trying to "hurt" him.

While the two were invested in their revenge, sky packed his luggage.

On the other side, rain was whinning on the bed as venice packed his luggage.

"P'phayu~" rain made a disapproving sound and was successfully ignored by venice. Again.

"What are you ignoring me?!" Rain asked.

"Cause you've been asking the same question for the past thirty minutes and getting the same answer. Instead of helping me pack your luggage, you're whinning" venice explained, as he closed the suitcases zip.

"But you know i can't handle surprises~" rain pouted, giving his puppy eyes.

"Those won't work this time sweetheart" venice smiled and pecked rains lips.

"Everything's done now, let's go to the airport" venice declared.

He grabbed both their suitcases and went down the stairs, rain following.

Loading the luggages, buckling themselves and starting their ride to the airport, Phayu called prapai.

A few rings later the older picked up.

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