𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑖𝑣𝑒

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Aggressive knocks were heard on the wooden door in the middle of the night.

The young boy sitting on the floor jerked in surprise and quickly got up to open the door.

"Sky! Are you okay? Why were you crying?!" The worried prapai turned sky, checking to see if he was physically hurt.

"P'pai! I'm fine! Who said i was crying?" Sky asked confused.

"You sounded like you were crying!" Prapai snapped.

"I wasn't! Whatever! I need help here!" Sky quickly disposed of the topic and dragged prapai to where he was previously sitting.

As they both sat down, prapai looked more angry than worried hearing the things sky was saying.

"P'pai! I've got so much work left! I need you to help me! Okay! Uhh.. you can cut these trees... I guess it's too difficult. Then you can stick these? I guess no... You can cut these on the lines? Yes you can do that!"

"Sky!" Prapai angrily called out making sky halt his movements.

"Sky! You called me in a hurry, sounding like you were crying, making me worried! If you wanted help in your assignments you could bave asked normally! You know how worried i was?!" Prapai snapped at sky.

"Next time tell me what you want instead of making me worried.... What do you wanted me to do? Stick the trees?" Prapai added.

He took the cut parts and glue ready to stick the trees but his hand was embrace with a smaller and much warmer hands, he was familiar with.

"P'pai~ sky is sorry~" sky talked in his baby voice making prapai melt then and there.

It was the first time sky talked to him like this during his courting time. It was the first time sky felt comfortable enough to initiate holding his hands and talk to him in third person like a baby.

Eventho prapai liked it and felt happy he was still angry at sky making him worried for no reason.

"It's okay. I'm fine" prapai says and tried to take his hand back but sky held it thighter.

"P'pai im sorry~ i won't make you worried like this again~" sky pleaded in small voice and a cute pout making puppy eyes at him.

It was truly an adorable sight which he would not forget in his entire life. Wish he could take a picture of him.

Lost in his thoughts, prapai blankly looked at sky making the younger feel like prapai was sti mad at him which was obviously not true.

So sky did the least expected thing. He leaned in to kiss prapai. As he leaned in and as their lips were about to touch in a sweet kiss prapai heard a voice.

Sky's voice.

"P'pai! P'pai wake up!"

Prapai woke up and realised that he was only dreaming. Dreaming about the first time sky was cutsy with him.

"Sky~ why did you wake me up? You were about to kiss me~" prapai whine to his current boyfriend.

Yes. Sky had agreed to be his boyfriend after two long weeks away from eachother becaus of a misunderstanding.

It was their eight day officially as a couple.

Sky's dorm has become a second home to prapai after his own home.

5/7 times a week you would find prapai at sky's instead of his own house.

Not that sky or prapai minded it.

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