𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒r 𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦-𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒

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So upon a request, I'm writing smut. Disclaimer!!! I'm NOT good at writing smut and I don't think it's gonna turn out well but let's see. Please give honest opinions so I would know where I can improve.

It feels absurd to give an 18+ warning when I, myself, am 15🤐

This chapter is skippable. If you don't want to read it, it's fine, the next chapter doesn't connect to this.


Prapai picked up sky in bridal style and entered their room.

"Why hurry? I'm all yours phi" sky laughed, getting thrown on the bed.

"Ouch!" Sky frowned at the rough contact.

"Fuck! Sorry baby, are you okay?" Prapai immediately went to sky, apologizing.

"Yeah, I'm fine" sky gave a reassuring smile.

Prapai sighed pressing a kiss on the bare shoulder and mumbled against it "sorry love, I couldn't control myself when you look so sexy"

"Shut up" sky blushed, moving his head to the side.

Prapai took the advantage of the exposed neck and dived in.

Sky felt light as feather kisses on his neck made him ticklish. A few seconds later the feather kisses turned into licking and sucking. Prapai marked sky's fair neck with red bruises which would turn purple later on.

Sky moaned at the feeling of a hot mouth on his neck.

Making his way toward the bare shoulder, prapai kissed it longer.

"I love it when you wear these" prapai comments, looking into sky's eyes with love and lust.

"Then I'll wear it for you more often" sky promises, caressing prapai's cheek and making the older grin.

Sky lifted his head, meeting prapai's lips in the middle.

The kiss which was filled with love turned into a hot, messy one in no time.

Prapai guided sky up the bed, not breaking the kiss.

Sky's hands made their way to prapai's jeans belt and tugged on them.

Getting the hint, prapai pulled away and quickly disposed of the belt and pants away and attached his lips to sky's.

"Off" sky demanded, tugging the shirt too.

Prapai groaned and ripped off the shirt and threw it somewhere and again attached his lips to sky's neck.

Sky laughed at the eagerness but the laugh turned into moans when prapai started sucking his neck roughly.

Prapai tugged out the top from sky's shorts and made his way up the top, to sky's perked nipple.

Sky moaned at the cold touch, arching his back for more friction.

Prapai got up and removed sky's top eagerly.

As soon as the top was discarded, prapai's lips found their way up from the naval to the nipples, licking, biting, sucking, and most importantly, worshipping.

Leaving behind remarks on how sexy sky is, how hot sky is, how beautiful sky is, how perfect sky is even with all his flaws and how much prapai loves him, worships him.

Sky's face was red with embarrassment and blushed upon hearing the praises.

"P'pai~" sky whined at the attention he is getting.

Prapai leaned up and placed a kiss on sky's forehead muttering an 'i love you' and went to his lips, leaving a peck.

Sky looked at him with hazy eyes, filled with love. His lips parted with sugary breath and a slight pink blush on his cheekbones. He was a sight to see. Prapai wished he could look at sky like thing for every minute of his life.

"I love you too but I'm needy too" sky whined, bucking his hips up for some friction.

Prapai gave a breathy laugh and kissed sky.

His hands did quick work with the shorts and quickly removed them.

"You're not wearing anything underneath" prapai breathed, looking at the long legs.

"I knew it would come off anyways" sky replied.

Prapai smirked and leaned down, kissing the ankles and making his way up to the knees and thighs, leaving red marks on the thighs.

"Just fuck me already" sky whined, his fingers tangled in prapai's hair, guiding him to his crotch.

Prapai removed the hand and pinned him down "don't. Just let me worship you" prapai breathed against sky's lips.

Licking his lips, prapai sat up and extended his hand to get the lube and condoms from the side table.

He gently parted sky's legs wide enough for him.

Pouring a good amount of lube on his fingers and sky's clenching hole, and rubbed this thumb on the entrance.

Sky sucked a deep breath at the cold feeling.

"Just put it in~" he whined.

obliging, prapai thrusted a finger in and took in the pleasured expression of sky.

Without waiting for another second, he trusted in a second finger, then a third, not giving sky a moment to adjust. Not like he needed to.

Sky moaned at the feeling of muscular fingers brushing against his protest.

"Enough, just put it in!" Sky commanded, tangling his fingers in prapai's hair and pulling him up.

Prapai opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue as sky did the same, licking each other as they locked thier lips into a messy kiss.

Prapai trusted in the tip making sky moan at the sudden big stretch.

Prapai slowly thrusted in, making sure sky was comfortable.

Upon getting the quiet 'move' from sky, prapai thrusted in, slower and gradually increasing the speed.

The room gets filled with the sound of moans and skin slapping against each other. The smell of sweat and sex filled the nostrils as the couple came.

Prapai pulled out, dropping himself beside sky as they both panted, coming down from their high.

"You looked so sexy" prapai commented a minute later, head tilted towards sky.

"Round 2?" He added.

"I can do more than that" sky said with a teasing smile.

Prapai smirked, getting on top of sky again.

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