𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦-𝑇𝑤𝑜

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"skyyyy~" prapai called out for sky.

The couple was now at prapai's condo.

"Yes phi?"

"Do you love me?" Prapai asks.

"I do.." sky looks at him a little skeptical.

"Then can you do something for me?" Prapai asks.

"Sure. What is it?" Sky agrees.

"Promise you would?" Prapai shows sky his pinky finger.

"What's gotten into you??" Sky smiles at the childish act.

"Promise???" Prapai whines.

"Uh, promise" sky entangles his pinky with prapais.

"Now you can't back out" prapai smiles evilly

"You're scaring me. What do you want?" Sky looked at prapai.

"Crossdress for me naa~"


"You promised me!"

"I didn't know you were gonna ask for that!" Sky pouts.

"Baby pleaseeee"


"Rain does it too!" Prapai says.

"So what? If rain jumped off a building, I wouldn't follow him and jump too!" Sky frowns at him, flustered at the request.

"You would" prapai deadpanned.

"Ugh fine I would but I won't crossdress"sky rolls his eyes.

"Why not??" Prapai asks.

"...cause it's embarrassing" sky mumbles, tucking his head down, avoiding prapai's gaze.

"Huh?? Loudly baby I can't hear you" prapai frowns.

"I said It's embarrassing!" Sky shouted, covering his face with his palms in embarrassment.

"It's not! You look so hot in those!" Prapai insists, removing sky's palms and taking his face in his palms, and caressing the cheeks with his thumb.

"Really?" Sky asks in a small voice.

"Yes really!" Prapai firmly says.

Sky ponders upon the idea for a few seconds before finally giving up "fine"

"Yes!" Prapai cheered, doing a little victory dance.

"Rain is waiting for you downstairs, go go go" prapai smiled, pushing sky towards the door.

"You had this planned all along?!" Sky gasped at his smart brain.

"Yes," prapai smugly replied.

"Go now! Give me a good surprise!" Prapai said and closed the door in front of sky's face.

Oh, how the tables have turned.

Sky schools his head and made his way to the elevator.

Reaching down he saw rain in his car, waiting for him.

"I can't believe he made you agree to this!" Rain commented when sky buckled himself up.

"He knows my weaknesses and uses them to his benefit" sky sighed making rain laugh at his friend's misery.

"Sky you have any outfits planned??" Rain asks.

"Nope, we'll see there," sky says.

They soon pull up at the mall and made their way into the first shop.

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