𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛

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A prompt from twt.


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Sky walked through the corridors of his collage along with Sig, holding some notebooks in his hands which couldn't fit in his small bag.

He was telling Sig about the new members which were added to his family, happily.

"Sky!" An angry or annoyed voice called sky.

It was none other than his senior, P'Som.

Way to ruin the mood. Sky thought to himself.

"Swadeepkarb P'Som" sky and Sig greeted but the elder completely ignored the greeting and started scolding sky

"What did you teach your juniors?! Don't they know how to give respect to their senior?!"

Sky looked down, pretending to feel guilty where he wasn't even feeling 1% of guilt.

"Oii, why so hot headed early in the morning?" Sig butted in. Bro got some nerves.

"You shut up!" Sig flamed.

"Ow? You wanted to talk and when i talk you tell me to shut up?" Sig complained, pretending hurt.

"You better teach some manner to your juniors and this five year old kid!" Som flared at sky and walked back angrily.

"Ow? But i want you to teach me! P'Som!" Sig teased the walking away figure.

"Enough Sig. Don't what else he will say" sky stoped him.

"He deserves the treatment though. Just because your best friend stole his crush doesn't mean he can bully you like this daily!" Sig frowned.

"It's okay! I don't take it to heart. He'll eventually get tiered of it too" sky said as they started walking again.

"And how do you know that? What if this verbal bullying turned into physical one? Then what will you do?" Sig clenched his jaw in anger.

"I.. don't know" sky bit his lip.

Sig sighed "you should tell your hot boyfriend about this"

"Why? I shouldn't bother him with such small matters. If the things did escalate to something bad, I'd tell him" sky frowning, denying the idea of letting his boyfriend handle such small matters.

"You're stupid at times." Sig shook his head disappointment.

"You think he will feel that you are bothering him? Even if he is in a different country and you tell him you need an eraser he'd priority will be you getting an eraser!" Sig exclaimed.

"I'd tell him later" he won't. Sky and Sig both knew that. Sky didn't argue with Sig cause he know that Sig is right. Prapai is head over heels for sky.

They dropped the matter for the day as sky was being nothing but ignorant and stupid about this.

Even rain knew that Som was bullying sky and adviced him to do something about it but the main character doesn't get it!

Som didn't dare to say anything to rain because he knows if rain told this to Phayu he'll be done and could only expect for the worst.

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months.

Som not only verbally bullied sky and the bullying turned into somewhat physical too.

Som started giving sky tasks which were not even meant for the students to do. And he always made sure not to do it whenever rain was around.

For example, once som had asked -ordered- sky to carry the boxes filled with architecture materials to the store room all by himself. And sky swore som had filled the boxes with rocks! How are the materials so heavy??

Next Som had asked -told- sky to complete one of his thesis because som couldn't do it because he had some "family problems". Sky didn't even know what family problems got to do with completing thesis but he couldn't argue with the senior.

Next, whenever som saw sky he would tell sky to do small tasks like, bring som water or any drink, bring som and his friends some snacks and one time som had the audacity to ask sky if he is a slut like rain too.

This made sky snap back at som and insult him in the most embarrassing way ever. Son's face was a sight to see that time. Luckily Sig had captured it in his phone.

After two months Sig had enough. Enough with sky's ignorance and rain's obliviousness. He took the matters into his own hands and decided to have a talk with prapai, Phayu and rain.

He urgently called in on a meeting and decided that they would meet at a cafe.

Sky didn't know about this as Sig had strictly instructed them that sky should not know about this meeting at all cost.

Well... This meeting was supposed to be for the four of them but Sig don't know why prapai's dad, Khun Kinn, decided to tag along.

"So what is this meeting about?" Kinn asked, relaxing back on his chair.

"You aren't even invited dad, why are you here?" Prapai rolled his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at your dad kid. It's about sky and as a good father in law, it's my duty to protect my son's wife" kinn gave a lame excuse.

"Are you gonna start?" Phayu sighed.

"Yeah ok so.. it's been two months sky is being bullied-" Sig got cut off by a loud smack on the table.

Prapai banged his hands on the table in pure anger and looked at Sig, dead in the eyes "who is it?" He coldly asked.

"Yeah yeah, Romeo, sit down and first and let sig continue" kinn said, pulling down prapai.

"Thank you. So as i was saying sky is being bullied for two months now. At first it was only verbal and me and rain, both knew about it. As weeks went by he started ordering sky to do irrelevant things and do his personal things and homework and sky couldn't deny him cause he is a senior" Sig explained to them.

"And why did sky not tell anyone this? Not even pai" kinn asked, frowning.

"He doesn't want to disturb anyone with such small things" the three, prapai, rain and Sig and at the same time as if it is a daily thing for them.

Kinn nodded in understandment.

"By he, who do you mean?" Phayu asked.

"P'som" rain replied.

"I want his picture" prapai said to Sig.

Sig nodded, fecthing out his phone and showing prapai a picture of som.

"You need any help son?" Kinn asked.

"No, I'll do it myself" prapai blankly answered.

"I'll see you all tomorrow at the college, I'll hang around the campus all day and see if anything happens" prapai said.

"I'll come too" Phayu said.

"Ok, then see you tomorrow, now i gotta go bye!" Sig said and left from there.

"I'll go too, call me or pa or any of the uncles I'd you need help" kinn said to prapai and left, patting his shoulder.

"I'm sorry p'pai" after a minute of silence rain apologised to the angry looking prapai with teary eyes and guilty look.

"You don't need to be sorry baby-" Phayu tried to comfort rain but rain cut him off

"no! I knew sky was being bullied but i didn't say anything and just let the things continue. I'm such a bad friend!" Rain cried.

"Nong. It isn't your fault. Trust me, neither me nor sky would blame you for this" prapau comforted the crying nong.

"Are you sure?" Rain sniffed.

"Yes rain" prapai confirmed.

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