𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛

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Today was another normal day in the Theerapanyakul Household.

Just that today everyone were gathered at the main house at the youngest brothers request, Kimhan.

There were the five Theerapanyakul brothers with their spouses (except Macau cuz he single like us) and their children with their boyfriends.

So in total they were fourteen of them.

They all were in the family hall at the top of the house, having a blast.

"Where is the boy who called us here huh?" Vegas asked, no one in particular.

"Hmmm oh! He's there!" Prapai said looking around and painting at Kim when he spotted him.

"OKAY EVERYONE!" Kim shouted, wanting everyones attention on him.



Everyone came near prapai and took a seat in front of him on the long, curved couches.

"What do you wanna tell?" Kinn asked.

"Ok so... As everyone knows I've called you all here to tell you something really important" Kim started.

"Is it a bad news?" Porsche asked at first.

"Well it depends." Kim answered.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" Vegas rolled his eyes.

"Well you see, me and angel have been thinking about this for a while now..." Kim started.

"Don't tell me you're gonna get a divorce" prapai said horrified.

"Don't interrupt him! Let him continue" sky sushed him.

"Thank you" Kim thanked sky.

"Wait. Where is chay?" Porsche asked, skeptical about what Kim is gonna say. His big brother insticts are telling him it's either gonna be something REALLY bad or something REALLY good. He needs to make sure his brother is fine.

"He's outside the room. Now if you let me continue then we can allow him in" Kim faked a smile.

"Oh! Just say it! Don't make a suspense out of it, I'm sure it's nothing big you are just trying to annoy us" tankhun sipped his cocktail.

"We adopted a baby girl" Kim deadpanned.

There was a silence for a minute. Two minutes. Three minutes.

"What? Aren't ya'll gonna say something?" Kim asked, unimpressed.

"This is the worst prank ever phi" Macau commented.

"It isn't" Kim replied.

"Uncle why did you call us here just to admit it's the worst prank" venice rolled his eyes.

"Brat i meant this isnt a joke" Kim glared at venice.

"It... Isn't?" Porsche asked again.

"In how many languages do i have to tell you all it isn't?!" Kim said annoyed.

"Show us the baby, I don't believe you" Tankhun said.

Kim sighed "angel come in"

All the eyes went towards the door. The door slowly opened and in came porchay, holding a tneey tiny baby girl in his arms.

Sky and rain gasped at how cute the baby looked.

Prapai and venice looked in awe at the baby.

Porchay smiled at them, coming and standing beside Kim.

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