𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛

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"aww! He is so cute!" A loud voice of pai's uncle, tankhun, was heard.

Tankhun pinched sky's cheek hardly while saying the sentence. It hurt sky but didn't say anything so prapai came to rescue.

"Uncle, he's mine, find yourself one. Don't steal mine" prapai swatted the hand from sky's cheek and caressed it himself.

"Ohhh. You're the jealous type huh?" Tankhun teased

"Yeah. So what?" Prapai raised a brow.

"P'pai" sky called out

"Yes baby?" Prapai smiled at sky

"He is?" Sky asked

"He is Tankhun, my oldest uncle" prapai introduced

"Fabulous" tankhun reminded

"Yeah, fabulous uncle tankhun"  prapai rolled his eyes but still smiled happily.

Sky had agreed on meeting prapai's family so prapai had brought him over the next day itself.

Even before entering the house (castle as per sky) tankhun saw them and the first thing he did was what you all read at the start.

"You have a great fashion sense khun" sky complimented. He indeed found tankhun's fashion sense. It suited him.

"Finally! Finally someone has taste like mine" tankhun expressed his surprise by putting his hand over his chest like a diva.

"I like you. Come on, I've got many things to show you" tankhun said and grabbed sky's hand and pulled him with him but prapai stopped them by grabbing other hand of sky.

"He'll come with me! He's my wife!" Prapai argued

"It's not like I'm stealing him!" Tankhun argued back and pulled sky towards him but prapai's grip on his other hand made him stop.

"You are! Sky will come with me!" Prapai tugged sky towards himself but tankhun resisted.

Sky was now the rope of tug of war. He looked at arm and Pol, tankhun's bodyguards he assumed, for help.

"Khun tankhun, please leave him, it's hurting him" Pol tried to get tankhun leave sky but it didn't work.

"Then tell that little kinn to leave him!"

"Why should I leave him? He's my wife!" The little kinn- prapai argued back.

Sky had enough of this and harshly pulled both his hands away from them and yelled "you two are worse than a kid fighting for his toy!!"

Prapai immediately switched to his innocent look to have some mercy "I'm sorry baby"

Sky just glared at him.

"Uncle! Apologise too!" Prapai pushed the big icon towards sky

"Yea yea. I'm... I'm sorry" tankhun apologised

"I'm leaving! Call me for lunch!" Tankhun quickly added and left with arm and Pol following him.

"I'm sorry baby, please forgive me" prapai gave sky his kicked puppy eyes.

"No" sky firmly said.

"Forgive me na baby? Nananana?" Prapai warpped his arms around sky:s waist and pulled him closer whil sky's arms remaind crossed.

Sky didn't reply instead he looked away, hiding his upcoming smile.

"Please forgive you phi na sky karb?" Prapai rubbed his nose with sky's, asking in baby voice.

"Fine, but don't do it again!" Sky smiled

Prapai kissed sky's forehead as a response.

"You planning to stay here and be lovely with your boyfriend or comming in?" A voice heard beside them.

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