𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑁𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛

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The glass cups clicked together as the sma group cheered for nothing in particular.

Prapai, sky, Phayu and rain were out on what was supposed to be prapai's punishment date but Phayu and rain decided to crash it.

It was rain's idea to go to a club and get wasted... Well more like get their boyfriends wasted.

The four gulped down the alcohol, loveing the buring feeling in their throats.

"So... Whats the ocassion of ruining my date?" Prapai asked to the couple.

Rain shrugged "i just wanted to see p'phayu drunk"

"You could've done it alone, why ruin our date" prapau frowned, and earned himself a slight slap on his arm from sky.

"It wasn't my idea! I was thinking was going tomorrow or the next weekend. It was p'phayu's idea" rain defended himself.

Prapai looked at the said man with annoyance and the smirk didn't do any better.

"Bastard" prapai cussed under his breath but sky heard it and gave him a warning glare.

There were a lot and by a lot i meant the entire table is filled with different types of alcohol.

Rain was pretty serious about getting venice drunk.

"I wanna see p'pai get drunk too! I've never seen him drunk" sky beamed at the idea.

"You wouldn't be able to handle him nong" Phayu laughed.

"Why not?" Sky frowned.

"He is two times of his sober self" Phayu explained.

"Really? Like what?" Sky asked.

"He clingy to you right?" Phayu asked.

Sky nodded.

"After getting drunk, he'd not let you go away from him even for a second. And no, I'm not exasratraing" Phayu laughed.

"Really?" Sky looked at prapai with big eyes.

"Yes love" prapai smiled, taking a sip of his drink.

"Then i really wanna see you drunk!" Sky beamed.

"Anything my love wants" prapai grinned, doing a bottoms up.

"Thank you" sky smiled.

Prapai pecked his boyfies lips and took one more shot.

*1 shot*
*2 shot*
*3 shot*
*4 shot*
*5 shot*
*6 shot*
*7 shot*
*8 shot*
*9 shot*
*10 shot*

Sky and rain stared at the boyfriends gaping. The two raced taking shots one after another and getting drunk in no time.

"Skyyyyy~" prapai slured, wrapping his arms around sky and nuzzling his face in the laters stomach.

"He... Seems pretty normal to me" rain commented looking at prapai.

"This is just the beginning i guess?" Sky shurgged.

"Why does p'phayu look like he's about to throw up?" Sky said noticing phayu's pale face.

Prapai giggled "cause he has low alcohol tolerance" his words sluring.

"10 shots isn't low phi" sky mumbled to prapai who was now laying down on the couch with his head on sky's lap.

"Really?" Prapai looked at sky with big eyes filled with amazement as if he never knew the fact.

Sky smiled fondly at the reaction "yes"

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