𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦-𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛

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You guys are so sweet!! 🥺💕 Your comments comforted me so much and made be believe that people actually like my immature writting. Thanky so much guys! I love you all!! <333

One of you requested in the comments for jealous Phayu over rains clothes. This and the next chapter is about that. I don't remember who that person was and couldn't find their comment either as it was quite a long time ago. If you're reading this, i hope you like it and I'm sorry for the late update!

If you guys have given me requests, i will write them, but it'll take time. But i WILL write it, you have to be paitent.


The next day.

After having their breakfast in their hotel prapai announced that there was still time for them to leave for their first destination so they can do whatever they wanted for a few hours.

When rain heard that he quickly wrapped his hands around sky's and announced that they will be together, somewhere around the hotel.

And without waiting for the reply from the older  he dragged sky with him.

"Where are we going?" Sky asks.

"Shopping clothes" rain replied as they walk down the street, looking for a clothing shop.

"Why do you need clothes? Didnt you pack them?" Sky asks, confused.

"Nope. P'phayu did for me and he packed all the boring stuff. I need some spice you know?" Rain answered like it was obvious.

"Spice?" Sky looks more confused.

"You'll understand! Let's go!" Rain dragged sky with him happily as they ran down the street.

A few minutes later they came across a clothing store.

Rain beamed at it saying that it was perfect for what he had in his mind while sky looked skeptical.

It was a female/trans clothing store.

Rain dragged sky inside.

They took the bag and started assembling their outfits.

Sky said that they'll be going to the beach today so rain looked around for that too.

After two hours of browsing, trying on and tiring out the staff, sky and rain paid for the clothes.

With three bags in each hand, sky and rain entered their own room.

"What did you buy?" Phayu asks.

"Clothes" rain plainly answeres.

"Why? I packed your clothes" venice raised a brow.

"I don't want to wear those. They look very plain" rain sheepishly said.

Venice sighed "okay show me what you bought" he tried to take the bags from rain but the younger stepped back.

"Nu-uh! Thats a surprise!" Rain beamed.

"Aren't you a cute little thing hm?" Venice cooed, rubbing rains ear.

Meanwhile with prapaisky.

The clothes they had just brought were now spreaded all over the bed as prapai chose what sky should wear for they day.

"Do i have to wear it?" Sky asked.

"It'll be good baby. I know you like to wear such clothes. Try wearing it outside too hm? If you don't like it, you can always change." Prapai convinced.

Sky gave it a thought and eventually agreed.

Prapai couldn't be more happier to choose an outfit for his babe.

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