𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦-𝑂𝑛𝑒

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Prapai stretched his body feeling his muscles relax as he sighed.

Even though his body feels relaxed, his head and jaw dont.

It feels like someone is sitting inside his head and using it as their personal drum and continuously banging it.

He frowned at the pain.

But his frown vanished when he felt soft fingers massaging his forehead making him sigh at the little relief.

He opened his sleepy eyes and looked at his love with adoration.

"Good morning" sky greeted softly.

"Good morning sweetheart" prapai greeted back with his rough morning voice which does wonders to sky.

"Sit up and take these painkillers" sky said, guiding the man to sit up straight.

He bent towards the side table and picked up the glass of water and painkillers, handing them to prapai.

Prapai tossed the two painkillers into his mouth and chugged down the entire glass of water.

He handed back the glass to sky who kept it back on the side table.

"Cold" prapai mumbled.

Sky quickly covered prapai's bear body with his paws with the blanket and hugged him tight.

Prapai smiled at the gesture and rested his head on top of sky's and looked around the room.

"Where are we?"

"My house" sky replied.


"My jaw hurts" prapai commented.

Sky looked at him and asked "do you remember what happened last night?"

"Not really. I only remember chugging down shots and clinging to you and crying and..." Prapai frowned, trying to remember what happened.

"And a guy was flirting with me and wouldn't take a no as an answer so you punched him and he punched you back." Sky explained.

"Who the hell was that guy?" Prapai asked, frowning at the thought of some pervert putting their hands on his love.

Sky shrugged in answer.

"Warm bath?" Sky asked and Prapai nodded. A warm bath will help.

Sky got up from the bed and went to the bathroom, preparing a warm bath.

"The bath is ready" prapai heard sky a few minutes later.

He got out of the bed with only his underwear and walked into the bathroom where sky was standing.

"Get in" sky said to prapai who was now removing his underwear.

"Bath with me?" Prapai requested, disposing of his underwear on the ground and looked at sky with puppy eyes.

"Ok" sky nodded.

Prapai smiled, showing his teeth and walked to sky. His hands going up, unbottening skys baggy shirt.... More like prapai's shirt but no one's complaining 'bout it.

Removing every peach of clothing on sky's body, prapai pulled him in a hug, resting his face in the crook of sky's neck.

"What happened?" Sky asked softly rubbing prapai's back.

"close" prapai replied with one word but sky understood him.

It was one of those days why prapai gets overwhelmed with his love for sky and just need to hold sky in his arms. Hold him close, feel his bear skin, feel his heart beat.

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