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"Alcust is off the list," Gibbs said. "Were there any other prints at the scene?" Ziva asked, "Just Alcust's and the dead shopkeeper. Go around the area, apartments, shops, parks, ask anyone that might've been around to hear any commotion," Gibbs said. "We'll get right on it," McGee said, "alright! Probie and the beast! The beast of course being me," Tony boasted. "The only beast thing you do is make a mess," Gibbs replied. "It's not a mess—it's a unorganized masterpiece," Tony argued. "You would," Ziva said as she walked by.

"Did you see anything or hear anything two days ago?" Ziva asked, "I didn't see anything, but I heard a loud crash and a boom. I looked out the window and saw nothing," the woman said. "Thank you for your help," Ziva said.

"I asked everyone in the park, they all said they heard the uproar, but no visual witnesses," Ziva said. "You guys got anything?" Ziva asked. "We got pretty much the same," McGee said, "Time to go back to Gibbs empty handed," Tony said. "We haven't tried the shops across the street?" Ziva suggested, "ah yes, the sex shops and bars of the city," Tony said. McGee and Ziva stare at Tony. "What? I know a lot of this city," Tony argued, "I'll say," Ziva joked. "I'll check the shops down 10th street, you guys check down 9th," Ziva suggested. We both nod and head down to 9th street.

"Yeah, I knew him. Henry was always our most frequent shopper, I can't believe he's gone," the shopkeeper looked down, "Do you have any cameras that might've viewed out front?" McGee asked, "The only camera I have is the one in this corner here," he points. "We would like to look at those tapes," Tony said.

"I reviewed this tape everyday since the attack on Henry, but I saw nothing," The shopkeeper said. "Wait!" Tony shouted, "Go back," The man rewound the tape. "There," Tony pointed, "time says 2:43am, that's the estimated time Mr. Pront was murdered," McGee pointed. "We got ourselves a yo-yo to catch," Tony said.

"Anything?" Gibbs asked, "I talked with the shopkeeper on 10th street and she had footage of a man walking to Mr. Pront's store," Ziva said, "we got the same footage but from 9th street," Tony said. "So we know the killer came from 9th street and continued on 10th, did he ever walk back from where he came from?" Gibbs asked. "No, so he had to have walked the other direction to avoid suspicion," Ziva suspected. "Give the tapes to Abby and see if she can get a clear look at the man," Gibbs said. "I'm surprised Abby isn't running this place," Tony said, "she could be watching us right now?" Tony said. "I sure am," Abby said, "DYAAIH!" Tony yelled, "Gibbs said you have some tapes for me?" Abby asked, "sure do," McGee said handing over the tape. "You're like Gibbs, but more perky," Tony implied. "You're just scared of Gibbs," Ziva said, "I am not—he just comes outta nowhere," Tony retorted. "See ya Balongna Dinnoshow," Abby said slapping the back of his head. "You see that? I bet she takes a lock of his hair and recreates him as a clone, but she's the clone," Tony suggests. "That's a bit of a stretch," Ziva said, "I can see it," McGee agreed, Tony motions toward McGee in a 'see he gets it' sort of way. "How come you're not holding your head after that? That still would've hurt," Ziva asked, "I'm immune to that now, nothing can hurt me," Tony said. Tony suddenly feels a hard sudden pain hit the back of his head, "oww!" Tony yelled, "not immune to twacks," Gibbs shouted. Tony looks back at Ziva and McGee and sees them chuckling and snickering. Tony rolls his eyes and does paperwork.

I lie in bed staring up at the ceiling for what felt like minutes. I try to sleep, but something's keeping me up, I toss to the right, to the left, nothing. Still awake. "For god sakes!" I shouted as I leapt out of bed. I grab a glass of milk from the fridge, I sit down on my couch to finish my milk. Thoughts fill my head, thoughts of McGee. I've had these thoughts for a while, they don't go away. I thought the more I talked about women and sex with women, would get my mind off of him. I release a big sigh and head to bed a final time. I lay in bed and doze off to sleep.

"Good Morning Tony," McGee greeted, "Mornin McGoo," Tony greeted back.

Gonna be honest here. I watched the show NCIS, but not much of it. So if I lack character of a character or the scene isn't right. Feel free to correct me on shtuff. And thank you all for being patient with my slow ass.

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