NCIS: to the rescue

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"What the hell is he doing up there?" I say aloud. Loud clanking on metal and loud stomps feed my headache. My eyes shut hoping to drown out the pain, but no luck. Got to think of a plan. Suddenly—the door slams open, the man looking at me from upstairs. To my surprise; he actually walks down stairs. Asking him anymore questions seems useless at this point. The man crouches near me and just stares. I avoid eye contact; with fear that he'll be irritated. He stands back up and heads back up stairs. How long have I been here? I hope Tony finds me soon. I gently place my head against the wall, sobbing.

I have my plan. I'll wait until he opens that door, pretend I'm fast asleep, wait until he's crouched near me and stab him in the neck. But first—I'll need to get out of these cuffs. I unlatch the cuffs, but leave my hand in it to avoid suspicion. I hide the broken ornament under my blazer. The ornament in between my left, middle and ring finger. My heart pounding at the thought of possibly getting through this or him killing me. I'm surprised he hasn't killed me yet. Maybe he wants me as a pet.

I slither my arm out of the blazer, but not completely. Just enough to stab without detection. I hear his stomps toward the door. I quickly shut my eyes and lean my head to my right leaning against my arm, leaving my mouth slightly agape to assure him that I'm asleep. The doors swings open, my heart pounding. Silence. The only thing I hear is my heart pounding, hard enough to make my head hurt. I calm my breathing to make my heart beat slow down by taking slow breaths. His footsteps, getting louder with every step. My heart, racing faster. I proceed to breathe slowly and play my part. I hear his breathing getting closer as he takes a step. I peek my right eye open slightly and see his boots and his knees bent. I slow my breathing and grip the ornament. My eyes shoot open and I jab the ornament into his general neck area. But I miscalculated and jammed it into his cheek. "AAAAHHH! YOU FUCKIN BITCH!" He screamed as he held his face. I fling my hand around getting the cuffs off my wrist. Flinging, seemed to rip skin off, but I don't care. I proceed to run up the stairs, but fall, due to lack of movement in my legs. I pick myself up from the stairs, seeing behind me the guy stomping towards me. My legs suddenly remember how to work. I run up the stairs, I run to the right hoping to find a kitchen. Just the living room. Going into another room, I find another family room. Beginning to panic, I head down to the next room. The man behind closing in fast. I enter the entry of the room, the kitchen. I open a drawer, but find nothing but forks and potato peelers. I hear the guy coming up from behind. I grab the biggest forks in the drawer and point them in his direction. He looks at me with pure anger. Him now holding the ornament that he pulled from his face. He walks toward me, I use my fork to jab at him, but he's too out of reach. He goes to grab the forks; I stab his hand. He jumps back, he grabs me, pushing my shoulders. I push him back hoping to get away from him. I lose my footing and he pushes me to the ground. My shoulder blades, receiving all the pain.

I try to fight him off, but his knees pinning my arms down. My arms begin to numb, I begin to kick but I can't reach him. I look for a sharp object to stab him in one of the knees, but no object in sight. He grips my neck in his hands and begins to squeeze. Wheezing and gasping for air, flailing my hands around trying to break loose. His grip getting tighter and his hands pushing my neck into the ground. My eyes begin to burn as well as my lungs. The only thing I could do was stare into his eyes as he suffocated me. His eyes read: no remorse, no sympathy, just anger. As my eyes begin to close, I feel him reposition down by my knees. His grip on my throat, getting slightly lighter. I slam my knee with what's left of my strength and come into contact with; I assume to be his crotch. "Aaahhh! Goddamn it! Motherfucker!" He yelled angrily. He holds his groin, but immediacy gets up. I mirror his actions, gotta get out of here.

The door has 3 locks on it; one on the bottom, one in the middle, and one at the top, taller than me. "You gotta be kidding me," I said in frustration. The guy's loud footsteps behind me, I run down the other hallway. I stop at a bathroom to my right. The smell of something dead filled the air. "Oh my god," I cover my mouth due to the smell. The sight of several dead cats on the floor. That would explain the sounds I was hearing downstairs.

Plunger in hand—I make my way toward the front door. I can't hear his footsteps. "I have to be very careful. He could be anywhere waiting for me," I said to myself. Before approaching the door, I peer around the corner and see no one. I look around the floor and find a shirt lying on the floor. Sliding off the locks with the shirt to obstruct the sound of the metal lock. The last lock being above me. I use the plunger and slide it off. The first time being unsuccessful; but second time, I managed. Hearing loud footsteps from behind, I quickly open the door and begin to run for my life. He puts his hand over my mouth and I get brought back into the house.

The man, now more agitated than before. He pulls me in backward as I'm trying to kick and punch his way, but no luck. "Not this time McGee," he said. Him saying my name made me go limp. I realize something, he's going to kill me. I close my eyes; hoping that this is all a dream. He grabs a knife from the kitchen and holds it to my neck. The knife being cold against my neck. My mind wanders off to Tony, his smile, his witty jokes, his flirty remarks. "Answer me!" He yelled. I came back into reality. "What do you want?" I ask annoyed. "Do you ever wanna see your precious Tony again?!" His voice rising. I stare out the window through a broken blind shade, before I can answer; I see cars pull up rather quickly by the house. I see Tony rushing out of the car, gun in hand. I smile at the sight of him. My eyes watering. "In fact, I can," I simply say. "Huh?" He asked confused. I feel the cold knife pressed harder into my neck, the fear being brought back to me again.

I suddenly hear three loud booms and a crash. The man holds me with the knife remaining at my throat. Three swat men appear into the kitchen and point their guns. Gibbs, Tony and Ziva head into the kitchen. I smile slightly at the sight of them. Never wanted to go to work more than right now.

Tony Boy:

I lock eyes with McGee. The shape that he's in and the fear in his eyes. My eyes begin to water, we finally found him. I want to hold him so bad. "Drop the Knife, Cooper!" Gibbs held a gun at a distance. My gun drawn, I point mine at his head. "Drop the gun!" My anger breaking through. Cooper looks at me, his smile sending chills down my spine. "Imagine your little Timmy's blood all over the floor," he said. "It won't be his," Ziva jumped in. "Cooper, drop the knife!" Gibbs said again. "It's not like anyone wanted to be near me, mother was the only person who loved me," he said on the verge of tears. His grip around the knife grew tighter, "maybe McGee and I can see her together?" He said. Cooper pressed the knife hard against McGee's neck; I aim for his head and fire. Cooper, falling to the ground; McGee runs to me. He wraps his arm around mine and looks at Cooper's lifeless body.

"Check the perimeter," Gibbs motioned to the swat team. They nod and scope the house. "Oh my god!" I embrace Tim. "I worried about you," I said. "I worried that I was never going to see you," he said back. I hold up his head with my finger, "what's he done to you?" Tears filling my eyes. Examining every wound. "Seasons beatings," he tried to laugh it off, but teared up. As he sobs, I pull him into a hug, his head being cold to the touch. I take off my blazer and wrap it around McGee. "Thanks," he sniffled.

"Do you need medical attention?" Asked Gibbs. "Yeah, everything hurts," he said. They should be outside waiting for you," Gibbs said. McGee nodded and walked outside. I walk with him, "Dinozzo?" Gibbs said. I turn to look at him, "yeah Boss?" I ask. "How long have you two been together?" He asked. "Not very good with dates; 5 days, I'm not sure if the kidnapping for 3 days counts," I said. "Dating other agents can get you fired," he said seriously. "Yeah, I don't care if you fire me, but leave McGee out of this," I said. "I'm not going to lay you off," Gibbs said. "You're not?" I ask, "no, I'll let you off with a warning," he said. "Oh, you do like me," I smile. "Something like that," He said. I shrug and head outside to check on McGee.

"How's it going Timmy?" I ask. "Sore, hungry, depressed, and traumatized, but other than that I'm fine," he said. "You're safe and alive, that's all that matters," I said. "Unlike Parker," tears rising from his eyes. "Your kitten is safe," I said. He looks at me with confused eyes. "He's safe in Abby's hands, he just may have an interesting makeover next time you see him," I said. His eyes glistening in the sun, "thank you," he said. We pull in for an embrace, but a gentle embrace. "We got to take him to the hospital now," he said in my direction. "I'll see ya," I said. "I love you Tony," he said before the back doors closed. I watch as the ambulance drives off.

Now Can I Shoot?: Tony Dinozzo X Timothy McGee Where stories live. Discover now