McGee's Missing Mayhem

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McGee's POV:

My eyes flutter open. Darkness filled the room. The only light visible was from a tiny window quite aways from me. My wrist and head hurt. The throbbing from both were excruciating. The light from the window was enough to shine on my wrist. The light glimmering off of handcuffs. I shake my hand around, getting an idea of what I'm attached to. The sound of clanking metal—hollow metal, like a pipe. I proceed to thrash the cuffs around hoping to break something. "Aaahhh!" I scream in agony. My skin burning from the metal I touched, which I presume to be a heater. I touch my arm where I burned it, I feel blisters begin to form, showing signs of second degree. As I lay there in pain, a door opens and presents light. A man stands in the doorway, the light protruding down some stairs. I must be in a basement or cellar. My head throbbed at the sudden light. Making it difficult to examine the man's face or surroundings.

"Hey?" I shout. "What do you want?" I ask. No answer. "Why am I here?" I ask more furiously. Still no answer. The door slams before I could ask anymore questions. I doze off, hoping that subsides the pain.


I awake to light in my direction. I open an eye to see a flashlight pointed in my face. I open both eyes and turn in his direction. "What do you want?" I ask again. Again, he says nothing. "You bothered me, by blinding me. The least you could do is talk," I said agitated at this point. The flashlight getting brighter as he points it at me. My head pounding harder. I shut my eyes, to reduce the pounds and aches, but nothing. I open my eyes to see the flashlight gone as well as the man again. "Hey?" I shout. The man walks away. "Hey?!" I shout louder. The man slams the door, leaving me in darkness again. I release a sigh and lean against the wall.


Good 'ol Tony:

I lay in bed staring at my ceiling. My mind restless, thinking of nothing else, but McGee. I toss to my right and left and repeat. Nothing. I release a sigh and get out of bed. I sit on my couch, my apartment still remained dark. I lay my head on the couch, the cushion smelling like McGee. My eyes well up, I cry. "I'm sitting here in my home safe, poor Tim is out there with a murderer," I say aloud. "What good of a partner am I?" I ask no one. My tears begin to falter, but my eyes still burned. My arm touching the carpet, my hand playing with the carpet. I close my eyes.

I wake up realizing I'm not in my bed. I check my phone from the other room, "damn I'm late!" I shout aloud. I wash my face with cold water and get dressed. I forgot to take a shower, but I'll take one at work during break.

I walk into work, Ziva's eyes watch me as I walk to my desk. "Morning Tony," she greeted. "Eh," I wave her off. "Feeling guilty again?" She asked quietly, "we've only been dating for 3 days, but I feel like it's been longer than that," I said. "You know what they say, friends eventually become lovers," Ziva replied. "Hmm" I simply said.

I access some files on my computer, then I was reminded of something. "Ziva?" I whisper. "Yes," she cornered around her computer. "Did anyone ever get the kitty from McGee's?" I ask. Ziva's eyes opened wide. "Oh...I don't think anyone did," she recoiled. "I'm gonna get him," I said. "You can't just leave," Ziva said. "That kitty's been alone in McGee's place for 2 days. I'm not letting him die, it's the least I can do for Tim," I said. "What should I tell Boss?" Ziva asks. "I dunno, say I went to investigate his apartment for further clues, or tell him the truth I don't care," I said. "Where's Kitty going to go?" Ziva asked. "My place," I said. "You? You pointed a gun at an iguana. Are you sure?" Ziva said. "Who told you that?" I asked. "Gibbs," she said. "Of course," I rolled my eyes.


I open the door. The smell of urine and feces reached my nose. "Now I know how Gibbs feels when he comes over," I said aloud. I search under the couches, beds, furniture and even the top of the fridge. No kitty. I bang around with my foot against the wood floor. I hear a slight meow. My heart began to pump in excitement. The meowing is faint, but heard. I walk closer to the bathroom where the meowing is heard. I push open the bathroom door and see the kitty in the trash can. "Hey buddy," I said. Tissue laying all over the floor. I crouch near the kitty, him looking back at me and continuing to meow. I pick up the kitty, he's dirty all over. "Let's give you a bath," I hold the cat out with my hands.

I bathe the cat in the sink and use Dawn dish soap to clean him, I see those commercials every now and then. I clean up his face and body, the cat seeming to hate it and enjoy it. "I never figured out your name," I said to the cat. The kitten meowed in response. I laugh at myself, as I'm talking to a kitten. "I'll call you Junior for now," I said. "Probably after Timothy McGee," I laughed.

Holding the kitten, I look at the mess around. I want to clean it for him, but I have to leave for work. I'll help McGee clean it when he gets back. "If he gets back," I worried. I grab one of McGee's towels and wrap him up. I grab some food and its dish trays. I put Junior in a laundry basket with a towel. Junior looks up at me and meows, "I'm sorry buddy, I have to drive," I said. I received another meow. I put the basket in my back seat on the floor, with my jacket protecting the sides.

I walk into work with the hamper in hand. "Tony? I thought you were gonna take him home?" She asked. "I thought it would be better if I watched him," I said. "Gibbs is going to be mad," she said. "Well, I don't want pee and turds all over my apartment," I retorted. "Is that what his place is like?" She asked, "including tissue paper and some chewed up furniture," I said. "Poor baby," she said to the kitty. "Meeeeew," it said. "Aww, so cute," Ziva said. "Not when it's causing havoc. This is why I don't have pets," I said. "Oh come on, he's not that bad," she said. "I'm doing this for McGee," I said. "You're such a sweet boyfriend," Ziva said. "Hey, not so loud" I whisper. "There's no one here but us," she said. "Gibbs could be anywhere, like predator, he's watching us," I said. Ziva rolls her eyes and smiles. "What did you tell Bossman?" I ask. "I told him you were going on a catwalk," Ziva said smiling. "He didn't seem to question and just left," she smiled. "Very funny. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be seeing Abby," I said. "Abby? What for?" She asked, "I'm not very good with animals, I need someone to teach me how to do," I said. "Okay," she simply said.

"Hey yo Abba Abba?" I greet. "Oh Hey Tony, what's that?" She asked. "McGee's whittle kitty," I cooed. "Aww, he's told me about Parker," she said. "Parker?" I ask with a smile. "Yeah, from SpiderMan? That's McGee's favorite superhero," she said. "You should know this Loverboy," she said playfully. "First of all, we've only been dating for 3 days, and I also don't care about Marvel, I'm more into DC," I said. "Not even the Tobey Macguire one?" She asked. "Wasn't a fan," I said. "You're a movie fanatic, how, never mind. This kitty needs my love," she said. "Thank you," I said. I place the other stuff in my hands onto the floor and hand the basket over to Abby.

"How'd it go?" Ziva asked. "Abby's mad at me," I smirked. "Dare I ask why?" She asked. "I forgot the name of McGee's kitten, but Abby reminded me that it's Parker, from Spider-Man," I rolled my eyes and smiled. "I've heard of him, watched it with my boyfriend last week," she said. "It was pretty good," she said. I shake my head and smile as I continue my work.

I hope McGee's okay. I miss him. I wish I could hold him and never let go.

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