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We're about half way to my place. The sun appears from behind the clouds. Smiling, I grab my sunglasses from my driver door. I fling the glasses open in a cool manner. I hear an exhale laugh come from McGee. "I know I'm cool," I joked. "If that's the word you wanna use," McGee joked back. "And what does that mean?" I said mockingly. "I was thinking more of sexy," McGee said. His face turning red enough to see from the corner of my eye. "Nice save," I said.

"Do you want to be in my guest bedroom or with me?" I ask Biting at my lip. "I suppose with you," he rubbed the back of his neck. "We could have a sleepover! No moms telling us what to do," I joked.

Opening my door—the sun resting on my face. With all the hell McGee has endured, he needs this weather. Holding the door open, McGee shifts his feet out of the car, but he struggles to get up. I take his unwounded hand in mine and place my hand on his back; lifting him up. His body lunges up and his face close to mine. His warm breath on my face. Our faces flushed. I peck a kiss on his nose, his face seeming to flush a darker color. He looks down and smiles at the ground. I chuckle at his cute antics. "Let's head inside. Bet you're starving," my hand linking with his. Holding the door open for Tim. He nods at me as he walks through the door. "Do whatever, sit wherever. I'll go get your boxes," I said. "Let me help with them," McGee tries to sit up. I quickly run to him, setting him back down. "No," his eyes look in mine. "I need you to sit and rest. I'll go get the stuff, you can help me organize," I suggest. "Alright, I'll be here, bored out of my mind," he said jokingly. An idea formed; "let me make a call," I quickly run into my room. His expression seeming to be curious and confused.

The phone rings; my room dead silent. The ringing stops and a voice comes out. "Hey Tony," she greeted. "Hey Abby, can you bring Parker over to my place?" I ask. "But we were just having fun," Abby said. "Painting each other's nails?" I ask. "No, we're running a catwalk," I could hear her smile from other end. "That's cute," I said. "We'll be right over soon," Abby said. "Thanks Abba," hanging the phone. Smiling as I exit my bedroom, McGee looking at me with his brows furrowed. "Should I be worried about your smile?" He asked. "It's a good thing," I replied. He continued to give me a untrusting look, but I continue to smile.

"Where do you want this?" I ask, "somewhere on the bookshelf....if you have one," he said. "I do have a bookshelf, I just use it for food and plates," I said. "You could just put it anywhere," he said. As I place the object—I hear a knock at my door. My smile returns. "She's here," I said. McGee shoots me that same look before. "Who's here?" He asked more curious. Opening the door—Abby's holding Parker and my laundry basket full of kitten stuff. "Hey Abby, come in," I gesture. I turn around and see McGee walking into the entryway. "Hey Abby," he greeted with a surprise. "McGee!" Her arms wide open. Looking at McGee—his face wincing in pain. I grab Abby's shoulders and pull her away. "Oh, you're probably in pain," she hissed. "Sorry Tim," she said. "It's alright, I actually missed your hugs," he said. "Oh!" She said suddenly. "Here's Parker," she said. "Oh my god, Parker!" His smile the biggest I've seen this week. Couldn't help but smile. "I thought he was dead when...he was in my house," tears falling down his face. Walking over to him, I gently wrap my arm around him. Parker in Tim's unwounded hand, he tries to climb to get to me. "He can't hurt you anymore," she said. "I know," his head down. "He still lives in my head," he said. "We'll get through this. Takes time hun," I said. "Thanks," he said simply. "I fed your cat and took him to the vet every 3 days. He's all good on his shots and grooming," she said. "Thank you Abby," McGee said. "You shouldn't thank me; you should be thanking Tony," she gestured. Rolling my eyes, his head shoots in my direction. Making eye contact with him, his eyes looking for answers. "When you were...gone. I went to get your cat and gave him to Abby," I said. "Where was he?" He asked. "In the bathroom trash can. I have no idea how he got there," I said. "He loves that trash can. He makes a mess, but it saved his life," he looks down at Parker. Parker, crawling all over McGee. Placing my hand on his back, rubbing in a subtle, circular motion.

Now Can I Shoot?: Tony Dinozzo X Timothy McGee Where stories live. Discover now