Tim McQuiet

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I wake up to the sun in my eyes. "Great start to my morning," I say aloud.

I drive to the nearby coffee shop and the aroma of coffee beans fills the air. "What'll it be sir?" asked the baristo, "I'll have a white chocolate mocha espresso," I said to the man, "and a caramel macchiato with cinnamon powder," I say again.

I take my coffee and drive down to NCIS headquarters. I drive into my parking lot and see Tim in his car, I smile devilishly and head in his direction.

I knock on his window, and I notice he jumps at the sound. He rolls down the window, "Hey Tony," greeted McGee, "sorry, didn't mean to startle ya. Gotcha coffee, your favorite," I handed him the drink. "Oh...uh, thank you, Tony," McGee said with a surprised tone. I walk up to the doors and look back to see Tim looking down at the coffee and smiling wildly. I'd never seen him smile like that, his smile made my stomach knot and my skin warm. I turn around quickly to not draw his attention.

I step out of the elevator, I'm instantly greeted by Gibbs, "Abby found something on the tapes," Gibbs motions to follow. As I walk down the few steps, I see Abby wheeling over a VHS to the top of the stairs. "With the help of some Calf Pow, I spent the night reviewing every tape. Nothing seemed to be interesting, but three tapes have a strange and peculiar man, watch," Abby said.

"That! That man in these tapes has been staring at the cameras for a long period," Abby pointed. "Are you able to identify this man?" Gibbs asked, "with some extra time left after reviewing all the tapes, I zoomed in on the man's face and put it into the system of criminal history, and nothing. So you're looking for a man that has no background," Abby stated. "Well, that helps us a lot," I say sarcastically. "But wait there's more!" Abby enthused, "this guy also walked into this store and left with a bagful of stuff," Abby said. "Alright, you guys have a store to question, go," he shooed us. "Man, so pushy," I say.
"Sorry I'm late boss, ran into traffic," McGee lied, "Abby already told us what she discovered, ride with Dinozzo, he'll give you the details like a good boy," Gibbs said. "Do I get a treat?" Tony asked, "you'll get your treat if you go," Gibbs played along. "Let's go McTraffic," I gesture.

I tell McGee all the details and drive down to that store. "Abby is too nice to us," McGee stated, "that's how she gets ya," I say. "What?" McGee scoffed, "First she's nice, then she gets her butterfly knife and guts ya," I stated, "Wait. She has a butterfly knife?" McGee questioned, "yeah, the one covered in butterflies, I love it," I smile, "sounds like Abby," McGee said.

"There was a man in here five days ago that may have been involved in a murder," McGee said. "Oh my God, anything I can do to help?" the man asked.  "We need receipts from everyone that came in here five days ago around 2 pm," I said, "yeah sure," the man said. "It looks like about six people made a purchase around 2 to 3, I could print that out for you," the man bargained, "that'll be great thanks," McGee said with a faint smile.

I pull out my phone and call up Gibbs, "we got some information and we're bringing it down," I said. "Great job, I'll let Ziva know," Gibbs said, "Gibbs has been notified," I say to McGee. "Hopefully Abby got some rest while we were gone," McGee said, "Hopefully, she's like a seven year old on a school night," I said, "you mean, you?" McGee smirked. "Very funny McProbie," I said.

"I'll give this information to Ziva, she's been running into duds lately," Gibbs said. "That's what happens when I'm here, I own this place," I said in a cocky way. "More like groan it," Ziva butts in. "Call Ziva Ricky Gutierrez, cuz that was foul," I said, "1988," Gibbs said.

I go out back behind headquarters, I inhale deeply and exhale calmly. I sit against the wall drinking coffee I made in the break room. I hear the door I came out, open, I see McGee look at me with a shocked expression. "Sorry Tony, I'll leave you at peace," McGee said, "I don't mind having company," I patted the concrete next to me. McGee stayed silent and sat a distance away from me, "you come out here too?" McGee asked, "Not really, I just wanted some fresh air," I said. "Yeah, it's nice. I come out here everyday to clear my head, it's beautiful," McGee said looking up at the passing airplane. "You've been really quiet and not yourself lately, are you sure you're ok?" I ask not leaving his eyes, "oh...uh, y-yeah," McGee struggled. "McGee, I've worked with you for almost 8 years, I know when you're lying, you stutter a lot when you lie," I say. I see his face turn red and he starts to fiddle with his fingers, "you don't have to tell me what's going on, we have a councilor in case of situations like this," I say to him. "I know, he recommend that I tell...someone else these issues," he blushed. "If you need to tell someone, you have me," I say, "you think so?" McGee asked, "I Di-know-so," I smile. We both burst out laughing and look back at the sky.

I head back inside and see Ziva walking in as I step back in. "Dinozzo!" Gibbs yelled across the room. "Yeah boss man," I smile, "Ziva found a guy on the receipt that matches the description," Gibbs said. "Did he buy a hideous shade of yellow?" I ask, "He did, this guy is not as smart as he thinks he is," Ziva smirked. "Krampus is comin' to town, cuz we got 'em in the bag," I said.

Ziva, McGee, and I approach the unit with guns in hand. I bang on the door, "NCIS, open up!" I yell, "we have a search warrant," McGee butt in. There was no sound. Ziva opens the door and throws it open, "we're comin' in!" I shouted. Ziva scopes out the left side of the unit, I go down the right side of the unit, McGee is behind me scoping out the bathroom. "He's not here," I said, "he probably saw us in that store and ran off," Ziva suggested. "Time to break the bad news to Gibby," I said. Ziva pulls out her phone and begins to call Gibbs and speak of the lack of person we'll bring. I enter the suspect's room and peer through his drawers, no bright neon mask; I check the closet for any spray paint cans or painted clothes, nothing. "Guys? You might wanna see this?" Ziva said, McGee and I investigate the coat closet Ziva's looking at, "yellow neon mask, spray paint cans, black hoodie, oh my," I said. "Looks like we got 'em," McGee joined.

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