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⚠️ Torture, mention of blood, anger, etc. ⚠️

I bust out of Abby's lab and straight to my desk. Stomping as I go, not caring who stares. I slam my drawer open and take out my gun. "Woah! Woah! What do you think you're doing?!" Asked Ziva quietly shouting. "Im gonna kill that son of a bitch," I said seriously. As I turn to leave my corner, Ziva runs in front of me, "listen, I know you're mad, but think this through," Ziva didn't break eye contact. "I don't care, move!" My voice rising. I look at her, the fear and desperation in her eyes, that must be how McGee feels right now. I move around her, her not being fast enough to block me. "Tony?!" She shouted slightly not to gain too much attention.

I made my way out of the building with my gun in my holster. At this point I was seeing red, my head was throbbing, my heart was pounding, but I'm not stopping till he's safe. "Tony, please?" Ziva's voice cracked with fear. "We will find him, I promise," Ziva said again. I ignore her, the only thing on my mind is teaching that prick a lesson. "Tony, McGee would hate to see you in prison," Ziva warned. "But if he dies, I'd gladly go to prison as long as he's dead!" I yell. Tears filling my eyes, "he doesn't deserve this!" my voice cracking. "I can't make it without him," I collapse on my knees. The pavement colliding with my knees hurt, but the pain in my head and heart were suffering more. I cover my face, and sob. "It's all my fault," my sobbing becoming stronger. I feel arms wrap around me, "Nothing's your fault. It's okay, we'll find him." Ziva softened. "I should've listened to him," my eyes burned from burning tears. "I could've asked him to stay at my place," I rant on. "He would've gotten attacked anyway," Ziva said. I stay silent, my heart pounding in my ears and making my eyes throb.

"C'mon, I'll take us," Ziva said lifting me up off the ground. "You can stick your head out of the car like a dog," she bargained. I smirk at that image of annoying Ziva with my goofy antics. "That a boy, there's a smile," Ziva said. "Thanks Ziva," I sniffled. I hop into Ziva's car, the only sound present is her jingling keys and her humming.

What if McGee is being tortured? What if he's being hurt? What if he's already dead? My eyes begin to well up again. "Don't worry about McGee, he's strong," Ziva says. "Yeah I know, but what if he's unable to move and defend himself?" I ask. "As I said, he's strong, he uses his words better anyway," Ziva snickered. "He does have a tendency to talk a lot, drives me nuts," I joke. "There's the Tony, we sorta love," Ziva joked. "What do you mean there's plenty to love about me?" I ask jokingly. "Sure," Ziva said sarcastically.

As we pull into the parking space, I look at my eyes through the sun visor mirror. My eyes made dark circles underneath. It'll be fine, I think to myself. The ring above the door chimed, the dogs starting to howl and bark. Ziva and I wait at the front counter for any person to come out. Eventually—a bulky heavy set man walked in. "Oh hello," he said in a surprised tone. "I'm special agent David and this is my partner Dinozzo. We're with NCIS, we have a couple questions for you," said Ziva showing her badge. "Uh, sure, Whad'ya wanna know?" He asked. Ziva reaches into her back pocket to reveal a photo, "have you seen this man?" She asked. "Y-yeah, he was in my store not too long ago," he said. I kept silent, my mind focused on McGee's health. "He was kidnapped last night. We need to know, did he have an altercation with anyone in here?" Ziva asked. "Not that I know of, I was on my last 10 minutes of work that day, so I was a bit loopy," he said. "That would explain the strange behavior," I said to Ziva. "What?" He asks, "hey, what happened to you?" He asked. I stand there staring at this guy, my mind, wandering off to McGee. "I think I caught I cold, possibly the flu," I sniffled, "it'd be a shame to..." I interrupt my self with a sneeze. "Ew, maybe not around the pets, lot of them haven't had their shots," he said. "As soon as you give us any good information," I said sniffling. "I told you, I don't remember," he shouted slightly. "Did you have any other witnesses? Like customers, managers, dead cats?" I ask using a pretend cough. "Dead cats? Uh, I have a cleaner that was hear the other night," he suggested. "Go get 'em," I said simply. The man left to the back room. "Nice touch with the fake cold," Ziva said, "sneeze was a nice touch," Ziva said holding her elbows. "Oh that was a real sneeze, couldn't have been more perfect," I said. "I think it's the cats," I said, "maybe or perhaps you're allergic to my badassery," Ziva said. "What? That's not even a word," I said. "It's in the Zivtuary," Ziva said. "Now you're just making stuff up, that sounds like a mortuary for Ziva's," I said jokingly. "Jealous of my badassery," she cocked, "not a real word," I said.

The man came back with a scrawny man about 5'8. "You wanted to see me?" He asked, "yes, I'm Special Agent David and this is Dinozzo. We're here about a man that was kidnapped last night. We believe he came to this store to ask you some questions," Ziva said. He looked closely at the photo, looking at every square inch of McGee's figure. "Hmm, oh, he was playing with the cats behind the plastic pane over there, the other night" he pointed. As he pointed I focus on a bruise on his hand and a couple of scratches. "Where'd you get those scratches?" I ask, "oh this, I had to clean out the cats litter box," he said. "Isn't that this fella's job?" I ask looking at the bulky man next to him. "It was only two of us last night, so I offered my help," he said. "Does this check out sir?" Ziva asked the bulky man. "Yeah, I remember hearing commotion out here while I was locking up," he said. "Commotion?" I ask, "as in cat hissing and crashing, I walk in and see the litter box and sand on the floor," he sighed. The other man making an uncomfortable expression. "One more question," I started. "The bruise," I pointed, "the plastic door got slammed on my hand as I got the cat back in," he said. "Anyway, back to the question I asked. Have you seen the man after he left? Was anyone following him?" Ziva asked. "I didn't get a good look, but I think I saw a man walking after him in a weird and fast way," scrawny man said. "Alright that's all we need, thank you for your cooperation," Ziva said. "No problem, anything to help," he said. As we leave, I turn back to look at our suspects one more time, they both leave into the back room continuing their work. "Something's off about him," I said. "What, the man?" She asked, "he's clean, he's got an alibi and he doesn't know anything," Ziva said. "No, the cleaner, the wounds, something about 'em. Defensive wounds look similar to those wounds on his hands," I said. "He said it was due to the cat," Ziva retorted. "They're not that bad to handle," I said. "Oh you'd be surprised what those furballs turn into," she said. "Remind me to never get a cat," I said.

"Any news?" Gibbs asked simply, "sorry Gibbs," Ziva shook her head. "Damn!" Gibbs shouted. "You miss him don't you?" She asked. "This should never happen to my team," his attitude suddenly went from calm to stressed. The only thing that frustrated Gibbs was computers and me. "We will find 'em, no matter if it takes all night," Ziva said. "No, I need you all to have restful sleep, I need your full attention when out there," he said. Ziva nods in response. Gibbs pulls Ziva to the side away from me, my eyes furrow at the current situation. In curiosity I scooch in closer. My head barely peering over the wall by Ziva's desk. "Don't tell Dinozzo, but I see all of you as my children," he whispered. "Including Boney Dibozo?!" She said surprised. "...yes, including Tony" he said. I smile deviously, "Oh Dad," I reach out my arms. Gibbs ducks under my arms. "Ooh, cold shoulder," Ziva said. "Does that mean McGee's your favorite?" I shout as he walks away. "No," he said. I turn to face Ziva with a big smile. "Second," he shouted back. My smile droop as well as my eyebrows in confusion. "Who's the first?" I ask genuinely intrigued. "Not tellin," he said.

Now Can I Shoot?: Tony Dinozzo X Timothy McGee Where stories live. Discover now