Sleeping with the McGee

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"Anything in that journal that says anything about where he might be?" Gibbs asked. "Nothing," Ziva said. "Just more entries of his 'art,'" she air quoted. "Does anyone know where he works?" Gibbs asked. "He has bills laying around, so I'd assume not," Ziva replied. "Why don't we ask the cats? Taxijeremy, Felis Deadus, and Stinky?" I ask. "Ducky and Palmer are the cat whispers for today," Gibbs finished.

I look over to McGee and see him staring at me; his face moves quickly back to his computer. I smile wildly and chuckle.

I enter the break room and find McGee making coffee. I smirk as an idea forms in my head. I slowly walk up to him and lift my lips to his ear, "hey Little Timmy," I whisper. He turns around quickly and looks at me, "Tony?!" He shouted. I laugh at his reaction, "don't do that!" He whispers, "you're too easy Slim Tim," I chuckle. He looks at me with his arms crossed, like a pouty child. I lean on the counter next to him; I scoot closer little by little, craving some physical contact. McGee looks over at me and watches me move closer. "Not here," he hugs himself, "c'mon, no one's here. There's nothing wrong with a little side hug," I said. He stays silent and looks down; I wrap my arm around McGee and pull him close. His head falls onto my shoulder, "see it's not that bad," I say. I hear the click of the door and quickly but gently move away from McGee, I prepare myself some coffee. "Hey boys," Ziva greeted, "Hey there David Crockett," Ziva rolls her eyes and smiles.

By the end of the day—I walk over to my car, but see McGee standing over by his car on his phone. I stroll over to him. The closer I approach him, the more knots I feel in my stomach. He looks up from his phone and looks at me with a smile. "Hey sweetie," I flirt. McGee blushes, he looks back up at me, "would you like to come to my house tonight?" McGee asked, his face turning pink. "Like a sleepover?" I ask, "yeah," McGee replied, "sure probie," I said. McGee smiles as he enters his car.

"Hey Tony, go ahead and put your stuff right there," he pointed. I lay my stuff down, but I can't keep my eyes off of Tim, my eyes look down at his butt. Those pants outline his figure really well. I blush at the thought of him catching me, I look away.

I pull off my grey button up shirt and pull on a white T-shirt, grey sweatpants, and my Dino slippers. I walk out of the bathroom and am met with Tim. "Dino slippers?" He smiled, "yeah, thought you'd might like 'em," I said. "Is it from Jurassic park?" He asks with a sarcastic tone, "yes, I got it from the big boy isle," I shot back.

We sit on the couch watching Jurassic Park, since McGee loves the lore more than the actual movie. I throw my arm around the back of the sofa. McGee leaned into my side and snuggled. I play with his hair, something my mom did with me when I was young. I rest my hand on his shoulder and feel his breathing steady, "must be asleep," I think to myself.

The movie ends—I look down at McGee and see him still asleep. I smile at his restful face, I carry him bridal style to his room. I've never actually been throughout his apartment before. With him in hand, I open the door to my right, "nope," I said. I open the door in the middle, "that's the bathroom," I said quietly. I check the last door, finally, I reach his room. I set him on the bed and tuck him in. I see his eyes starting to open, "goodnight McGee," I kiss his cheek, I can feel his blush burn my lips. As I close the door, I get interrupted; "Tony?" McGee asked. I open the door back up, "yes Timmy," I ask sweetly. "Can...can you sleep with me tonight?" He asks, his blush being vigorously seen. "If that'll get you back to sleep," I said. I go around the bed, lift up his covers and stuff myself in. I turn to his direction, and gently wrap my arm around his waist; I feel Tim's hand rest on mine. We sleep 'til morning.

I wake up and try to bring McGee closer, but only find the bedsheets. I open my eyes to see McGee absent from the bed. "Ugh," I groan aloud, "morning people," I complain. "Good morning Tony," McGee greeted, "do you always wake up this early?" I ask. "It's not early, you just slept in," McGee shot back. I furrow my brows and glance at my watch, 2:32pm. "Luckily we don't have work today," I said. McGee snickers. I rise from the breakfast nook and walk over to McGee. "Whatcha cookin," I wrap my arms around his waist resting my head on his shoulder. "Omelets and sausages," he replied, "ooh, yummy," I say. As I let go of McGee I kiss his neck as I leave.

We finish breakfast, well, brunch. We sit down on the couch again, we just cuddle until we get tired of it. "I was thinking," I began, McGee shifted to look at me. "If it's not too sudden, maybe you could live with me?" I propose. "Gonna have to think that one over," McGee replied with a slight smile. "It could be fun, we could carpool together, we could have endless cuddles, and the occasional visit from my dad," I said. "Your dad' interesting guy," McGee replied. I hiss, "Yeah, he almost burned down my house while making a turkey for thanksgiving," I said. "Makes for an interesting story?" McGee suggests. I kiss McGee on the forehead, and pet his hair again.

I make my way back to my house. Tim's face already plastered in my mind. I head to my apartment unit. I look at my watch and realize it's almost time for work, "shit," I said aloud. I pace upstairs, put my stuff in my room and get dressed and tidy. My bed head being worse than the other nights, I pat my hair down, nothing. I comb my hair out with water, it still remained the same. After awhile of hair fixings—my hair still was a mess. "I don't have time for this," I said frustratedly. I grab my keys and head out the door. Before I drive off, I look myself in the mirror and see my hair sticks out on one side. I don't pay much attention and drive off.

"Woah," Ziva's eyes widen. "The Tone-ster will do that to you," I said cockily. "No, you're hair!" Ziva said again. "Yeah, having a bad hair day," I replied. "The Tone-ster?" McGee furrowed his brows, "yeah, everyone wants this," I scanned myself with my hands. McGee rolls his eyes, but I still make out the blush on his face. "Good, Dinozzo's here," Gibbs said loudly. "Woah," Gibbs said as he approached. "Bad hair day," Ziva said. "Ah, got it," Gibbs replied. "We may have a lead?" Gibbs continued, "Abby found something," Gibbs gestured us to follow.

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