My Probie

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We return to headquarters and find out our next plan. I pour myself a cup of coffee and turn to face the gang, "imma take Joe here outside with me," I say pointing. "That's the only company you'll be getting tonight," Gibbs said walking out of the room. "Nothing like a passive aggressive workspace to keep your mind from sleeping," I say.

I go outside behind headquarters and sit where I last was sitting. The sun and wind gently touching my face, it felt nice. I hold my coffee in hands and my mind wanders off.

Why am I feeling this?
This empty space?
I tried sleeping with a woman I met at the bar two days ago, but felt nothing. Even when I was finished I felt nothing.

I jump slightly to the sound of the door opening, "Sorry Tony, I keep bothering you," McGee said as he sat distant from me. McGee sat with his position matching mine: legs bent and raised with our wrists resting on our knees. "It's okay McShy, it's just been Joe and I," I say, I show the coffee with a face drawn with permanent marker. McGee looks to the ground chuckling. I stare and fiddle at my coffee cup as our conversation has gone quiet. I see out of the corner of my eye, McGee playing with his fingers and nails, something he does when he's nervous or anxious. "Tony?" McGee asked, I look up at McGee and see him still looking down, I switched my position to where my body is facing him. McGee plays with his fingers more aggressive, "would to get coffee sometime? Just to hangout?" McGee asked. I try to make eye contact with him, but his eyes remain at his fingers, "yeah, sounds fun," I said. His fingers stop fidgeting and he looks up at me. I'm not very good at reading what the eyes say, but I saw relief in his eyes, don't know why it'd be that hard?

As I'm about to go home for the day, I feel a hand on my shoulder gently leaning my back, "Tony, I was thinking before work we could go inside the coffee shop and chill before we work?" McGee proposed. "What time ya thinkin?" I ask, "maybe 7am?" McGee rubbed the back of his neck. "7am it is then, see ya then McMocha," I waved off, McGee gently shook his head and smiled.

I wake to my alarm, "7 am?" I ask, it quickly comes to me that I have a coffee date with McGee. I rise from the bed like a zombie and get dressed, I look at myself in the mirror and see exactly how I rose today: baggy eyes, bed head, bad breath, all I'm missing is the rotting flesh.

I park into the coffee parking lot and see Tim in the bay window. I look at my watch, 6:59am, early like always, I smile as I see his knee bounce up and down. McAnxious, god his name is fun. I laugh to myself.

I walk into the coffee shop, "Tony!" McGee gently shouted, I look over to him and see him gesture for me to come over. "I ordered my coffee as well as yours," McGee said, "you didn't have to do that, I can take care of myself probie," I joked. "I know, it's my treat," McGee said. I sit down and fold my hands on the table, "do you know what I like?" I interrogated, "you get a coffee twice a week, I know what every flavor and coffee smells like," McGee said. "Alright Willy Wonka, spill the coffee beans," I say. "I got you a white chocolate mocha espresso," McGee said, "huh," I furrowed my brows, "what does white chocolate smell like?" I ask, "smells like chocolate, only less sugar," McGee replied. "Interesting," I said, "if I was a coffee, what'd you think I'd smell like?" I ask. McGee looked down for a moment avoiding eye contact again, leaned across the table to me and sniffed. I laugh as he's doing this in public. "Maybe Espresso with cinnamon, maple syrup and a hint of bourbon," McGee replied. "I'm an Irish Canadian coffee, cool," I said. We both walk out of the coffee shop and drive our separate ways to work.

"Did you search the whole unit?" Gibbs asked, "yes, the closest thing we found to evidence was the neon colored mask and spray paint cans," Ziva said. "Have you found a journal that he writes in?" Gibbs asked, "I don't think we checked, we were too distracted by the blinding neon yellow mask," I joke. "Go check the unit again and find anything that can tell us where he might've went," Gibbs pointed.

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