Gone missin'

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We take the elevator and the smell of rotten carcus hits me again. The cats are on the surgery table. "Oh," I complain aloud. "Tell 'em what you found Ducky," Gibbs said. "The markings on these cats are all different," Ducky started. "This one, endured a large amount of stab wounds," Ducky said. "So we're looking for a man with a knife?" Ziva asked. "Not entirely," Ducky answered. "However—These other two have been severely burned and beaten," Ducky finished. "This is a sick dude," I said disgusted. "Poor things," Ziva shared. "Indeed," Ducky joined. "That means we're looking for a guy that hangs around pet stores, suburban households, apartments for pets," Gibbs suggested. "You want us to check every pet related place?" McGee asked. "Yeah, get to it," Gibbs said. "There are only about 25 places we could try," Ziva said, "I got some cats myself," Ziva said again. "Tony and I will take the east side, and McGee will take the west side of town," Ziva suggested. "And leave McGee by himself?" I ask, "I don't trust him alone with other people, he could embarrass me," I said. "Tony, the only person that'd do that is Gibbs and me—and on occasion, maybe Abby," Ziva said. "Okay, I got my eyes on you Tim McFeet," I said. McGee smirks and shakes his head. As I leave with Ziva, I turn to look at McGee. We make eye contact, his eyes saying "I love you." "I love you" I mouth to him, he smiles and waves. I turn back around to see Ziva staring at me with an eyebrow raised. "What?" I ask, "you gonna miss your boyfriend?" She cooed, "w-what?" I ask. "I'm just teasin," she laughed. I release a breath silently. "Ha ha, very funny," i say sarcastically.

"You know—you two would be a very cute couple," Ziva smirked. "Nah, I like my women with a hairline," I said. "Oof, cold," Ziva said.

"Here we are at Puppies, Kittens, and bunnies oh my," Ziva said. "Strange name for a pet store," I smiled. "Has anyone bought three cats in this store?" Ziva asked, "you're gonna have to be more descriptive, we get a lot of customers buying 3 cats," she said. "Alright, has anyone bought these colored cats," Ziva shows the photos. "Oh my god, what happen to those cats!?" She asked. "That's why we need the history of customers, we need the man that did this," Ziva said angrily. "Okay, okay, I'll check the back," she said.

"Nothing like traumatizing a citizen right?" I smile wildly. "Well, it worked didn't it?" Ziva asked. "I think it would've worked either way," I said.

"Here's the list of people that bought 3 cats of those colors in the past 10 years," she said. "Thank you so much," Ziva said. "That's a long list of names. They bought 3 cats and of those exact colors?" I ask, "yeah, people love cats," she said. "Yeesh," I said.

"We checked all of the east side," Ziva said. "We got a couple lists for Abby to look at," I said. "Abby? You'll be checking the names," Gibbs joined. "But boss?" I ask. "No buts," Gibbs said. "Hmm!" I pouted. "Where's McGee?" Ziva asked, "maybe he got eaten by a snake? He is a small man and a pest," I replied. "Wouldn't surprise me," Ziva said.

The elevator chimes—I look to the doors and see McGee holding slips of paper. I smile as I see his face all red and sweaty. "I barely got any names, but I got some," McGee said. "Are the names of your exes?" I smile. "No, there was this one shop keeper that was acting weird," McGee said. "Weird how?" Ziva asked, "I don't know, he just seemed off," McGee said. "I think you're paranoid McGee," I said. "Maybe," McGee said.

"I went over every name on these lists, nothing, the weirdest person I saw was a man that had a history of drugs," I said. "That's not weird," Ziva said. "You didn't let me finish. History of using cat urine as a high," I smile. "Really? And he's buying cats," Ziva laughed. "His parole officer is not gonna be happy," I said. "And lookie here, it says he was arrested a couple months ago," I said. "Do you guys wanna focus on the task at hand?" McGee asked. "What are you gonna do? Tell the teacher?" I ask. "Dinozzo? Did you do your homework?" Gibbs asked. "Almost done boss," I said. "Sheep," Ziva said. I look at her from around my computer, she looks at me with a wide smile. "You enjoy mocking me don't you?" I ask. "I do, very much," Ziva chuckled. "I do see Gibbs eat alot of Shepard's pie," Ziva said. "That means we're all sheep," I shot back.

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