A Visit to Remember

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Entering the paperwork into the database. My mind wanders off to McGee. He's still in recovery from his surgeries. I hope he's okay. "I've finished the paperwork. I'm going to go check on McGee," I said to Gibbs. "Alright. Just be back shortly. You still have work to do," Gibbs added. "Will do boss," I reply as I turn to leave.

"May I help you?" The nurse looked up at me. "I'm here to visit Timothy McGee," fidgeting with my hands over the counter. "Of course. What is your relation?" She asked typing in the computer. "I'm his," I hesitated. "His boyfriend," I said. Her eyes widening slightly, "he's in room 7, down that hall down there," she gestured. "Thanks," I reply. I never thought I'd actually say that, I guess we're actually boyfriends. Feels weird saying it. I pass doors with numbers, peering around the corner, I spot room 7. Approaching the door, I release a long exhale. I wrap my fingers around the door. The door handle being cold to the touch. The door opens, seeing McGee asleep with a bandaged hand resting below his sternum. I sit in a chair closest to Tim. His other hand resting on the hospital bed. I take his hand in mine, his hand freezing cold. Holding his hand within both of my hands. McGee shifts in the bed. I look up at him. His face badly bruised, along with some minor patched cuts. His eyes slowly opening, open enough to see his eyes are red.

O'Timmy Boy:

I wake up to something touching my hand. Opening my eyes, my eyes get blurry. I blink continuously to get rid of the cloudy vision. I look to my right and see Tony. His smile replicating a young boy's smile. "Hey Tony," I greet, hearing my voice go hourse. Before I could say anything else—Tony grabs me and pulls me in for a hug. I hesitate, but hug him back. "How are you feelin?" He asked releasing me from the hug. "Sore in the wrist, legs, stomach, and my head; other than that, I'm good," I replied. Tony's smile began to dim, "at least you're safe and okay," Tony said giving my unharmed hand a quick squeeze. We both stare into each other's eyes, his eyes filling me with security. He places his hand gently on my cheek; His warm hand easing the pain of my headache. His thumb waving over my cheek. He leans in, I gently hold his neck with both hands. Our lips connect. The trauma I've endeared, I don't care about right now. This moment right here is all I need. We break away and his eyes begin to water. I mirror his actions by placing my hand on his face and wiping away his tears. "I missed you so much," he stated holding my hand. "While I was in that basement, all I could think about was you," my vision begins to blur from the tears. "What if we didn't make it in time?" His hand holding mine, his thumb petting the back of my hand. "But you did," I hold his hand in mine. He says nothing, but continues to stare at my hand. I pull him into a hug, as much as my body hurt, I couldn't let go. His warmth felt nice. We break away from the embrace, he wipes his tears away. "I should head back to work," he slightly laughed. "The doctors said I should be out by tomorrow," I smiled. "Maybe you would want to live with me when you get out?" Tony blushed. "I would love that," my heart pounding from excitement. "Great. When you get out, I'll help gather your stuff," he said with a big smile. "Thank you Tony," I smile. "Love you Tony," I said. "Love you too hun," he replied before he left.


Walking through the doors of the NCIS headquarters; Abby, Ziva, Ducky, and Palmer surround Ziva's desk. Twisting my head in confusion, I investigate the scene. "Oh hey Tony," Abby greeted. I approach the group, "What's going on?" Before I got an answer, I spot Parker prancing around on the desk. "Look at this cute wittle boy," Abby cooed. The cat looks at me, the cat began to meow at me. "Aww," they all said in unison. I use my fingers to stroke his head. Parker rubbing his head against my fingers; I couldn't help but smile. "Hey there buddy," I greet Parker. Parker begins to meow at me again. Resting my hand on the desk, he lays on my knuckles and begins purring. "Oh my god! He's asleep," Ziva practically squealed. I stare down at my hand, his sleeping form reminded me of McGee when he sleeps. "Alright," Gibbs started, "get back to work," he stared. I approach my desk, preparing to work on paperwork, I watch Gibbs out of the corner of my eye. He stands over Ziva's desk. "Hello there little guy," he greeted the cat. "He's a cat man!" I sang. "Get back to work Dinozzo," he authorized. As I turn my attention to my computer, I see Gibbs shake his head and smirk from the corner of my eye. I'm getting through to him. I smile to myself.

McGee my boy:

As I watch Tony leave, I begin to feel alone again. The nurse was nice and opened the blinds so I could get some sun. It feels good to not be stuck in that basement. I still wish Tony could stay. He makes me feel safe.

I sit up out of the bed. Heading to the restroom, I glance at the mirror and catch a glimpse of my face. The bruises forming different shades of blues, purples, pinks, and greens. I laugh to myself, as I think of my face resembling a cluster of stars that form a nebula. My smile dims, I'll look like this for a couple of weeks.

"Time for your medication Mr McGee," the nurse said. I take the pills from the little paper cup provided. The taste worse than the last batch of pills. "Thank you," I cleared my throat. As the nurse leaves, I sit here just looking out the window. The sun peering through my room as if calling my name, drawing me to it. My eyes lids begin to fall heavy. I should sleep, if I'm going to be out by tomorrow.

As I approach my vehicle, I'm reminded of McGee's place, reeking of cat urine and mildew. I should go take care of it. I don't want McGee to feel worse than he already feels. Looking at my watch, 8pm. I could take at least 2 hours to clean his place.

I wince at the smell, the smell overpowering the food the neighbors are preparing. I open the door, the smell making me almost gag. I pull a mask from my pocket and put it on. This will help at least barricade the smell a little. "Well, I better get started," I said to myself.

Finishing up the living room. I look at the time, 10:28pm. I'll finish up the living room, then I'll head home.

I stand up and look at the cleaning I completed. My knees, back and fingers hurting from the three and half hours of work. I bend my body to the right and left, trying to get the knot in my lower back. I peer at my watch, 11:34pm. I yawn and stretch. Should be getting home soon.

Making it home. I throw my belongings on the couch and head to bed. I'm excited to pick Tim up tomorrow. My smile grows as I fall asleep to hopefully dream of him.

Now Can I Shoot?: Tony Dinozzo X Timothy McGee Where stories live. Discover now