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⚠️ Ptsd and 'strong' emotions

"Are you ready yet?" I impatiently asked. "Just getting my shoes on," Tim shouted back. I pat my leg rhythmically, waiting for him to get done. "Alright. I'm ready to go now," he released a breath. "After you," I motioned. "Thank you," I said.

Tim takes a deep inhale. "I miss that smell," he stated. "The smell of paper and water damage?" I joke. "No. The smell of coffee and just this building," McGee said. "I miss it too...sometimes," I started. "I'm going to get some coffee, do you want one?" He asked. "Sure, two sugars, no cream," I said. "Be right back," he said.

Sitting down at my station—I turn on my computer. "Please log in." "You gotta be kidding?" I started. "I've only been gone for...almost a week" I hissed. "It has been quite some time," I said to myself. "Having tech problems, Tony?" Ziva asked. "Oh, hey!" I greeted. "Yeah. I've been gone for a week and my computer doesn't remember me," leaning back in my chair. "Why don't you try not to sleep with it on the first date?" She suggested. Looking at her, her smirk mocking me. "Very funny," I chortle. "Maybe McGee can help?" She started. "He starts today, right?" She asked. "Yeah, he's getting a coffee for himself and I," I replied. "How's he doing?" Her expression now concerned. "He's doing well. He's gaining an appropriate amount of weight," the image of his almost slender body fills my head. "I'm wishing you two the best," she said. "Thanks, Zivs," we smile at each other.

"Here's your coffee, two sugars, no creamer," Tim handed me my coffee. "Thank you, Caffeine McGee," I joked. "There it is," Ziva said monotone. "What?" I ask. "You've been in this building for less than 10 minutes and you're already calling names," she said. "It's not insulting if they're good names," I laugh. Ziva rolls her eyes. "Whatever you say, Pony," she said. Peeking at her from around the computer, "pony?" I ask. "Your name is a little harder to work with," she retorted. "Ok...Ziva Las Vegas," I shot back. Hearing her scoffing made me happy.

"Dinozzo?" Looking up from my computer, "yes, Boss?" I ask. "I need you to file some paperwork from McGee's computer. "Why can't I just do them?" Tim interrupted. "I have another assignment for you," he replied. "I can send the documents to his computer," Tim finished. "Thank You," he started. "Tony, get working on those records, asap," he said. "Yes, sir," I said. "McGee, can you step into my office?" Gibbs asked. "Did I do something wrong?" Tim asked, concerned. "Nothing's wrong, it's...a classified task," he whispered. What is he talking about? Sending McGee on a private mission without anyone else? Hopefully, Gibbs knows what he is doing.

Tim's POV:

"Have a seat," Gibbs motioned. "What is this about?" I ask. "With all that's happened, I've appointed a therapist for you," Gibbs said. "With all due respect sir, I'm fine. I don't need a shrink," I started. "This is not a proposition, it's obligatory," his arms locked and rested on his desk. "Starting today, you have an appointment from Monday to Friday. They only last an hour," he started. "It's just for a couple of weeks," he finished. I sighed, "Whatever you think is best, boss," I replied. Leaving his office, I walk toward the psychologist's room. Releasing another breath, I open the door. The walls, a plain beige, the curtains a grayish blue, and the couch being crimson-red, threw off the entire room. Sitting on the couch, I wait for the therapist.

"Sorry, I'm late," he said. "No worries," I replied. He sat down at the maroon-colored chair in front of me. My heart is racing, my eyes, pulsating. "How would you like to be addressed?" he asked. "Tim's fine," I swallow. "Alrighty. Tim, my name is Dr Tabara," he greeted. I nod my head. "I'll be your therapist for these few months," he added. "I'm going to ask you a couple of questions about the earliest case you performed," He said. I breathed again. "Nervous?" he asked, his brow lowered in concern. "Yeah, just a little," I said. "If you ever need a break from these questions or feel uneasy, just let me know and we can stop," he said. I smiled, "Thanks, I'm okay right now," I said. He smiled and looked down at his board.

Now Can I Shoot?: Tony Dinozzo X Timothy McGee Where stories live. Discover now