Found evidence...and love

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I'm working at my desk, I feel as if I'm being watched. I turn my head slightly to the right of me and meet Tim's eyes staring at me. He flinches back to his original position. I stick out my bottom lip, "that was weird, maybe he thought I had something on my face?" I thought. I check the mirror on my desk and see nothing, not even food in my teeth.

At this point, Tony's already distracted and is already looking up from his computer, he hears quick footsteps approach the work area, "Alright, it took a while but I managed to clean up the tapes. I think we have a clear look on this guy," Abby said. "Let's check it out," Ziva replied.

"It looks like he ran down 8th street and ran into this motel parking lot," Abby indicated. "For all we know he could be just taking a short cut," Ziva suggested, "or running home to the misses," Tony said pushing his eyebrows up and down. McGee went quiet, usually he would say something, but nothing, he didn't even roll his eyes.

McGee and I hop into my car, the smell of fast food burned my nose. "Smell that? That's the smell of success," I say, McGee looked at me, he chuckled and smiled, but no words. "You've been acting weird buddy. Is everything alright?" I ask, he looks up at me with his hand holding the back of his other hand. "Yeah, yeah, just didn't get a lot of sleep last night," McGee stated. "Do any zoomies at 3am?" I ask, he laughed. McGee recently announced to us, is being pretty much the whole squad, that he had a new kitten. "No, I didn't get the zoomies," he chortled. "Just makin' sure my probie doesn't tucker himself out," I blush at the word 'my probie.'

"This is the street," I slam the car door, "excuse us," I gently get by people walkin on the streets. I look on the ground for any unusual abnormalities. "So he went along this sidewalk, jaywalked across the street, and though this parking lot," I say aloud. "We should ask the motel employees questions about the suspect," McGee suggested. "That's a good idea," I say, "like that's the first," McGee said sarcastically, "you are learning the ways of the Dinozzo," I say. He chuckled and smiled again.

"M'am? Have you seen this man run across your parking lot?" McGee asked. "Yes, he ran that way carrying some sort of bag. He ran down that way and into that apartment," she pointed. "Thank you so much for your assistance," McGee thanked. She nodded her head and went back to work.

"Damn! It's one of those 'ring for entry apartments'," I said foiled. "We could fool the guy by selling Girl Scout cookies? No one can resist thin mints," I suggest. "Or? We could just say NCIS we have a couple questions?" McGee suggested back. "You're no fun," I retort.

"We have videos of you running away from a crime scene. Why were you running?" McGee asked. "I wanted to go running to clear my head," he replied. "Across the parking lot? Scoping out the babes through the window?" I ask. "No," he said. "What was the bag you were holding? Your gym clothes at 12 in the morning?" I ask. "Fine, I was running from the store, but not for the reason you think—I was running cuz I saw the man that killed the guy. He looked at me and I thought he was gonna kill me cuz I saw him. So I ran cuz my life depended on it," the man said defeated. "Can you describe the man?" McGee asked, "No, it was too dark and he was wearing all black, but he was wearing a bright neon yellow mask," The man said. "He's got weird outfit choices," I said, "Did you call the police?" McGee asked, "No, I was terrified in the moment, I couldn't think, move, or do anything," the man said holding himself. "Thank you for answering our questions," McGee said, "I hope you catch that guy, for his sake and for mine," he pleaded.

"How'd the interrogation go?" Gibbs asked. "Wasn't him, but a man with a bright neon mask," McGee said. "Weird," Gibbs said, "that's what I said!" I yelled. "Did Abby find anything else on the tapes?" McGee asked, "No, the man must've known where all the cameras were and avoided every one of them," Gibbs said. Gibbs snapped his fingers and pointed to Ziva, McGee and Tony. "I need you three to head out to the town and go tot every store and get every tape they have, maybe we can find anyone that's looking at the cameras suspiciously," Gibbs said. We all nod and rise from our seats.

Ziva, McGee and I drop the box of tapes on the desks. "It took a while, but we got all the tapes we could," Ziva said, "some of them were feisty," I added. "Perfect, that gives Abby some homework," Gibbs said, "no homework for me," I said, "you get to do the paperwork," Gibbs pointed, "this is mahogany!" I knock on the wooded desks, "actually that's Canadian cherry wood," McGee corrected. "The odds are not in your favor McHamish," I spit back.

I slump in my chair and stare at the computer as my death races up to me. "Gibbs sent me to detention, but worse," I said. "Serves you right for getting in people's faces," Ziva remarked. "What's Gibbs gonna do next? Call my mother to pick me up?" I ask, "I'd say more like have you wear a dunce cap in the corner," Ziva smirked, "you think you're funny now?" I smirk. Ziva just chuckles at my misfortune.

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