Stab like an Egyptian

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"Ducky may have found something that may help the case," Gibbs said. "I found some interesting commodities in the feline's remains," Ducky started. "Didn't you already examine the cats?" Ziva asked. "Yes, but I found some rather fascinating discoveries." "The cat that was pierced had some riveting stab damages," Ducky continued. "The ligature marks have a curve to them," Ducky used his fingers to make a curve. "You mean like a defense knife?" Ziva asked. "Not even close," Abby jumped in. "It's called a Khopesh, known as the Egyptian sword," Ducky said. "Well, that's ironic," I added. "Indeed," Ducky simply said. "So wait a minute; a sword?!" Ziva's eyes widen. "Not particularly, more like a dagger," Ducky finished. "Which is odd, given that they don't have Khopesh daggers," Ducky gripped his chin. "That means you all have to look for stores around the area that sell those daggers," Gibbs announced. "Except you Tony," Gibbs started. "What?" I ask. "I need you to look at the names of the clients of those barbers," he said. "Get to it," he said. "Right on it sir," I said.

I go through every photo and background check every one of them. Only 6 of 12 have sketchy backgrounds. I print them all out. Maybe I can ask that hairdresser last if she can point out one of these men. I hop into my car, the stagnant smell of coffee. McGee's coffee. My eyes begin to water, "No, No, do your job, Tony," I say to myself. "Gotta focus."

"Hey Abby?" I greet. "What's up Tony?" Abby greeted back. I found these men from the barber shop, 6 of these men have no background," I continued. "So maybe one of these guys are on the camera footage," I said. "Hmm, maybe. The quality of the video isn't that good and the man distanced himself from the cameras," Abby pondered. "But I'll give it a shot," Abby said. "Thanks Abbs," I said.

"That last woman I talked with the other day. Is she working today?" I ask. "Yeah, but she doesn't come in 'til 3 pm," said the lady. I look at my watch: 2:26 pm, "I guess I'll wait," I said. I sit there reading a magazine, I hear the door chime. My eyes fixed on the door, my eyes widen at the same woman I approached yesterday. I shoot from my seat and walk up to her.

The lady looked up at me, surprised that I approach. "Oh, hello again," she greeted. "Yeah, I have a couple more questions for ya," I said showing my badge again. "I told you; I don't know anything else!" her tone going defensive. "Well hang on, I have a couple photos here for you to look at," I said showing her the images. She looks closer at the shown images. "Hmm, maybe this guy, but I'm not sure," she pointed. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Can't say for certain, but looks to be him," she said. An idea forms in my head. I printed two copies of both photos of non-criminals and criminals. "What about these men? Any of them?" I ask. Her eyes widen, "that guy!" She said. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Yeah, his face, it creeped me the hell out," she said. "Alright, I'll look into it. Thank you for your help miss," I said. "No problem, have a good afternoon," she dismissed.

As I leave—my smile growing and heart pounding. We're finally getting closer to Tim.

"Got anything Abby?" I ask. "I believe so, took a lot of effort, but I managed," Abby said. "That's the guy?" I ask. "Yeah, check this out," Abby started. I lean in toward her computer. "He's even got the neon mask tucked under his hoodie," she pointed. I look at the image on the picture I have. "It's the same guy," I said. "Huh?" She asked. I show her the photo. "I'd say so," Abby said.

"What's the situation?" Gibbs asked. "The knife store didn't carry anything that was close to an Egyptian dagger," Ziva started. "But there is a sword store that carries Egyptian related items," Ziva said. "I have all the receipts of people that bought any Egyptian Khopeshes." "Nice work. Dinozzo?" He asked. "Abby and I found the guy. He's not as smart as he appears to be," I smirk. "Great job everyone," Gibbs congratulated. "Let's put this guy away," Gibbs finished.

"If you find this guy on the receipt, then we got him," Gibbs pointed to the photo. "Ziva, you look at the receipts and find this guy," Gibbs started. "Dinozzo, I need you to look for the guy's hideouts or abandoned work places," Gibbs said. "I'll get right on it."

I go into the evidence lockers and decide to look through his journal of horrors. I flip through, reading through every piece of dialogue.

My life hasn't been the same without her. She was the only woman I'd ever known. She gave me her house in her will. The house hasn't been of any use to me. Being inside the house brings back memories of mother. It's a good place to keep my animals though.

"Hey Ziva?" I ask. "You got something?" She asked. "We need to find the location of his mother's house," I started. Ziva looks at me with an eyebrow risen. "He says that's where he stores his animals," I said. "It's worth a shot. Maybe we'll find more evidence, maybe even the dagger," she said. "Hey Boss," I greet, "whatcha got?" He asked. "We may have found the suspect's mother's house," I said. "I'm coming with, you're gonna need all the help you can get," he said. "Let's go," Gibbs said.

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