Cum Morning 🍋 🔞

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Tony's lips on my neck. His warm breath against my skin made me shudder. I gasp as I feel his teeth. Tony shot up and looked into my eyes. "What? Did I hurt you?" his finger caressed my neck where he bit. "No," I chuckled. He paused and stared, "okay," he smiled. His teeth came into contact with my skin, his bite a little more gentle. The collar on my neck began to tighten. I lift off my shirt, as I struggle with the shirt, Tony helps me and throws the shirt to the side. He planted kisses down my chest, his warm breath sending my heart racing. I panted as I waited for him to go lower. He kisses up to my neck again. His eyes meet mine. Grabbing his head, I kiss him. He grinds against my crotch, our jeans rubbing against each other. I can feel his bulge against my already throbbing groin. Letting out a small moan, Tony looks at me, smirking. A small blush appears on my face. His lips lock with mine. He grinds faster and more into my loins. I moan into his kiss. I grasped onto his hips and began to squeeze, I could feel everything around me. He's really testing my patience. I unbuckle my belt, and feeling Tony's lips depart, he looks down as I'm struggling with my belt. I hear a slight chuckle come from his mouth. He puts his hand in the way of mine as he unbuckles me. His fingers wrap around the waistband and he yanks down, my body getting forced downward with my pants. Tony's face looked shocked, and we both sat there just laughing. Shifting my pants off slowly, he succeeds otherwise. Tony's warm lips kissing my legs. His kisses following the inside of my leg. Grabbing the sheets, as he gets closer and closer, his lips close to my area. Looking down, I see the bulge through my boxers. I can see the stain on the tip. I try to breathe slower, but my heart is pumping loud enough to fill my ears. He takes off my boxers, my member flings out in the open. "Hello, Lil' McGee" Tony's seductive voice rang through my ears. He trails his finger up and down my shaft. My eyes close hoping he'll pleasure me. A whimper left my mouth. Tony looks at me, his smile reassured me. He grabs my member in his hand and begins to slowly rub up and down. My eyes begin to close shut as I let out a soft moan. Hearing my moan, he goes a little faster. Making me thrust into his hand. The throbbing increased and my pleasure rising. He proceeds to go faster and faster. Grasping the bed sheets, I let out louder and longer moans. Tony pressed his lips against mine, he inserts his tongue into my mouth, exploring and fighting with my tongue. The pressure builds in my manhood, his hand continuously rubbing. Tony releases his lips from mine, I let out a gratified moan. I try to catch my breath, Tony as well.

"You ready?" He asked. I begin to blush and nod. Taking off his soaked boxers, he presents his erect shaft. Laying in the same position, he gets on top of me. His lips connect with mine. The warmth of his lips, my aching manhood, and our sweaty bodies on one another. I don't wish for this to end.

Tony's pov:
His lips tremble, his legs tremble. Most of his body is trembling. His hands grabbing my back and my hair. His touch only driving me mad for lust. I break apart the kiss and grab the lube from the nightstand. Showing it to him, "it smells of lilac," I smile. Tim chuckles as he grabs the lube and puts it on. His lubed hand caressing my penis made me throb. "Alright, ya ready?" I asked. He bites his lip and nods. Tapping my tip against his anus. I slowly insert my tip through. His muscles tighten. His face riddled with discomfort. Grabbing his hand in mine, I caress his hand with my thumb as his body relaxed. Slowly thrusting tiny amounts of my tip through him, he whimpers. As we went on, he lets out small moans. The deeper I go, the more he moans. I push a little further this time. His moans louden and his hands grip the sheets. His moans making my dick go harder. I gently thrust harder and faster. The force making me push him further up onto the bed. Thrusting faster and harder. His moans louder and frequent. I readjust over him as I look down at him, his forehead shining from the beads of sweat. Placing a hand on his hip for support and the other, lifting his leg up. Our panting synced up in unison. My shaft throbbing and aching, I can feel the pressure. McGee's moaned and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. With each thrust, it aches more and more and the pressure increases. We let out a moan as I let out my load. I collapse next to him. Both of us catching our breaths.

As I regain myself, I pull Tim closer to me. Kissing his forehead. "I love You, McGoo," his breath still catching up. "I love you too, Balogna," he chuckled. We hold each other until morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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