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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Enjoy!

edited on november 4th, 2023 @ 8:11pm

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧




《 𝖩𝖴𝖫𝖸 𝟨𝖳𝖧, 𝟤𝟢𝟢𝟧 》


Kazuhiro jolts from their desk, seeing that they were back in the past with their teacher looking at them in anger. "Sorry, Sensei." They apologized, shocking their teacher as well as their classmates.

Because Hanemiya Kazuhiro apologizing was unheard of. The Kazuhiro they were used to would snark back a rude remark and then flip the teacher off.

"Just— make sure you don't do it again." Their teacher spoke. Kazuhiro nodded as the bell rang, signaling the end of class.

They head down to the second-year hallway to meet up with Chifuyu as they entered his class. "Fuyu! Let's have lunch together!" Kazuhiro said as Chifuyu looked up in shock, surprised to see Kazuhiro.

"Sure..." He replied before looking at Kazuhiro's uniform. "Your uniform is a complete mess. You know you're going to get another warning from a teacher—"

Chifuyu pauses before he flinched. "Sorry, I'm doing it again, aren't I?" He questioned.


"The nagging. I know you hate it when I nag."

Kazuhiro's face softened. "My past self was so cold to him. It still amazes me how we even began dating." They think to themself.

"Fix my uniform for me?"

Chifuyu looks at them in surprise. "What?" He questioned.

"You know I'm horrible at tying a tie." Kazuhiro responded as Chifuyu nodded, knowing it was true.

Chifuyu took their tie from Kazuhiro's hand, draping it around their neck and began to tie. Once he was finished, he tightened the knot and folded their collar down.

"Wow, they actually let you fix their uniform without snapping at you?"

Kazuhiro and Chifuyu both jump at the sound of Baji's voice as the two of them turned and saw him smirking.

"Keisuke! When did you get here?"

"A little while ago. Came to find you because I found it strange you didn't meet me in my class." Baji answered. "You know Kazuhiro, you've been acting really weird."


"Baji-san is right. Do you have a fever, Kaz?" Chifuyu asked, placing a hand over Kazuhiro's forehead in which they chuckled.

Kazuhiro removed Chifuyu's hand and kissed the top of it. "I'm fine, Fuyu." They reassured as Chifuyu cleared his throat and pulled his hand away.

𝗬𝗘𝗟𝗟𝗢𝗪 ⸺ 𝖬𝖺𝗍𝗌𝗎𝗇𝗈 𝖢𝗁𝗂𝖿𝗎𝗒𝗎Where stories live. Discover now