Newcastle new beginning

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Sweeney was looking out of the window watching the fields, the trees, the nature as they passed with the train he never admired it like this before maybe beceause London was dark and filty. Eleanors head was resting on his chest the sun shining trough the window onto her making her more beautiful than she already is, it was a while ago he realized she felt a sleep, she was exhausted from everything. His arm was over her shoulders his hand stroking her arm up and down.

The dress Mary gave her was red with white stripes it fitted her perfectly with wide sleeves and red lace on the hems. Red is her color it suits her especialy her red bloomers and stockings it makes her always look more fiery Sweeney thought, god just the thought of it made his troussers feel thight, he shook his head a little smile apearing on his lips at what he was thinking.

It's was more than three hours they were on the train from Manchester to Newcastle upon Tyne. He wanted to make her finally happy and he hopes she would be. He saw some older lady smiling at him, feeling a little embarrassed his hand stopped stroking her arm and looked forward he had forgotten someone could see he wasn't a man who showed his affection in public.

The train stopped he could see te sign of Newcastle hanging they were there finally.. "Victoria" he tried to wake her up "Victoria wake up" stirring slightly she opened her eyes not knowing when she felt asleep.

"S-" she almost said his name but the stern look on his face did cut her off just in time "James?" She said correcting herself, it would be to dangerous to say their real names in public, the danger was not over yet someone could emerge at any moment.

"We are here" he took her hand and their bags. "Where?" she asks more confused giving she just waked up. He stood up after a couple of people and she followed him gathering at the door to wait it would be pulled open he got impatient and she didn't know why, but it was for her, to see her reaction when she sees where they are.

Finally the door opened and they were stepping out, he helped her get off, she looked around when she was on the platform and stopped in her tracks when her eyes locked with the sign "Newcastle upon Tyne" her eyes widened and turned her head thowards him "N-Newcastle?" She didn't expect they would come this far especially not so close by the sea she was realy suprized.

"Yes" he put his arm around her shoulder a smile apears on his face knowingly he surprised her. She pursed her lips trying to gather her emotions beceause he did come this far for them to build a new all the way to Newcastle upon Tyne and that made her emotional. "Let's just search around to eat and stay somewhere for a couple of days you're tired." he spoke looking at her sleepy eyes, she nodded agreeing with him.

As they were stepping from the train station he saw a man "Excuse me sir" he stopped a older man with white hair and a moustage to ask directions "You know somewhere to stay?" He asked to the older man who looked friendly.

"Yes you have few places but a old friend of mine Frank has a good one Half Moon on The Swirle it's a few streets furter but you can take a carriage, say Joseph send you." He spoke kindly looking at the two who looked like strangers. "Thank you sir have a nice day" Sweeney greeted him Eleanor just smiled. "Youre welcome" he smiled tipping his had at them.

"You tired we should take a carriage." He says as they were stepping further in one of the streets.

"I'm fine" she smiles even her eyes says otherwise. To their chance a carriage was passing by and he stopped it "To Swirle please" he spoke to the carriage man as he helped Eleanor get on the carriage first and stepped in after her. He knew she was tired an there for he just wanted her to rest. He sat beside her regularly touching his hat making sure it was good on to cover his hair.

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