Quick Authors note!

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(Quick Authors note!!- Unlike my other 2 stories this is surrounding the universe One piece more specifically Ace and the whitebeard pirates this is an AU so not everything is the same. I really hate how Ace fights whitebeard and tries to kill him on multiple occasions so that part is not going to be a part of the story. However his usual distrust is definitely going to be a part of the story. Also unlike my other stories I have this one is planned out to around chapter 30-45 and yes, this is going to be a long one my other story (finished) goes to chapter 72. Anyway I hope you enjoy the story and I hope I can actually write a story without plot holes and one that makes a good amount of sense.

Let's just hope I did enough research on the division commanders 😭 I confused Jozu and Haruta 2 vastly different character designs and I managed to mix them up. >:/

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