Cunning of Bounty hunters

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Ace twisted his body and elbowed the stomach of one of the men. The man grunted and loosened his grip on his rifle before Ace grabbed it and chucked it a few meters away.

Ace jumped backwards to get away from the men. There were at least five of them and three somewhere else in the forest. The men looked lost they didn't know what to do.

"Is that really all you got?" Ace said with furrowed eyebrows. The men were about to speak but the leader of the bunch stopped them with a raised hand. "How are you using your flames the way you are?" Ace raised a brow before laughing. "From fighting to asking questions? That's a new type of sore loser if I've ever seen one!" The leader dude suddenly turned a bright shade of red.

Ace didn't know whether he was mad or embarrassed, Ace certainly would be embarrassed.

Ace brought his fist up before pulling it back to wind up for a punch. The tips of his fingers turned bright red before exploding into small flames. He felt his arm crack from the sheer pressure alone. Before the men realized what Ace was doing he brought his fist forward flames erupted from every crevice of his body.

Usually Ace wouldn't attack like this, he's in a forest. But like he said before, he was leaving he couldn't care less about what happened to this place.

The forest had seemingly parted ways to get out of the way of Ace's fire. Ace had shot his fist towards deeper into the forest. Some flames were still apparent spreading rapidly to the dry leaves littered on the ground.

Ace sighed, he didn't know where or not to be relieved. Spirits are categorized more often than not, and Ace no doubt would be. But now he wouldn't be bothered by those that Ace guessed were self proclaimed spirit hunters anymore.

Ace rubbed his forehead in annoyance. That brings up another topic that he had to get on. He needed to decide now otherwise it would weigh on his mind like this for all of his battles.

Ace walked back into his house and stripped up a loose floorboard. A devil fruit lying under it.

He had found the orange devil fruit in this forest. When he first arrived little to no one ventured inside the Engrove forest, leaving a majority of it left unexplored.

He had found it in a rather precarious cave much deeper into the forest. He had actually gotten lost for a long time, he was hardly able to summon a flame to act as a light by the time he found the fruit and got out.

Now Ace as stupid as he is in Sabo's words isn't a complete dumbass. Ace looked through a book that went over all known devil fruits, this one has no picture but it's one of the only ones in the book that had the description of orange and flame-like swirls covering the entire thing except the green stem.

The flame-flame fruit. The fruit that makes a person a flame man.

Ace would have already gone and eaten it if he knew what would happen. But he doesn't, he doesn't know anyone except Luffy who has a devil fruit and is a spirit at the same time. And even then it makes little sense. Luffy died with his devil fruit and came back to life as a spirit with the same devil fruit.

Ace sighed, Luffy is a paradox by himself.

Ace sat criss-crossed on the ground with his head resting in his hand. The normal devil fruit drawbacks would be losing the ability to swim and being unable to come in contact with seastone. A large price to pay especially if he becomes a pirate, he'd be completely surrounded by water.

Ace shook his head, Luffy never really had a problem before. Luffy didn't worry about water when he knew he was surrounded by those who would come and save him with no second thought.

Though, would he be surrounded by people who would do the same? It's a tough question that he doubts he will have the answer to until a couple months from now.

Ace stared long and hard at the devil fruit.

"Since when did I think things through?" Ace finally yelled in defeat. He brought the fruit up to his mouth and took a bite of the thing.

Ace immediately wanted to throw up and gag. It tasted downright horrible. Ace managed to swallow the bite before gasping for some fresh air. He needed to find something to get this taste out of his damn mouth.

The devil fruit seemed to realize Ace was not going to eat the rest and it rotted and became a green mold infested mush in a matter of seconds.

Ace looked at the devil fruit with awe. It's like it's got some sort of intelligence.

Ace didn't feel notably different.

Ace stood up using his hands to boost him from his spot on the floor. If it was the flame-flame fruit, or a logia type he should be able to poke, say a stick through himself. He walked into the forest to find a stick, which wasn't that hard.

Ace pushed the stick through his arm and low and behold, it went through him catching on fire in the process.

Ace didn't feel that different, and that was a good thing. Doesn't look like being a spirit had to do with anything. Ace sighed in relief, Sabo would have killed him again if eating the devil fruit went wrong.

Ace looked around, he should get this dirty taste out of his mouth, he wondered if Luffy had the same experience when he was alive.

Though, it might be a bit of a sensitive topic. 

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