The difference between

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//quick A/n so I think I've figured out a good schedule for the chapters I think I'll post around everyday but don't be surprised if there isn't an update every now and then, my school has extremely stupid and strict rules against phones, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't just start taking them at the beginning of the school day. But I also have work and it really depends on how busy we are if I'm able to post at work, for reference I work at McDonald's, since it's getting cold less people are coming good for me :). Ok enjoy//

Ace was about to eat when he heard footsteps.  He felt his eye twitch at the revelation. Another, and another and another. Ace doesn't know how much he can keep doing this without actually killing someone.

Though when the guy made it to the hut, he looked rather odd. He had this huge pompadour on his head and dressed in all white. He seemed more interesting than the other two probably another pirate.

Ace figured if he wasn't going to bother his food he'd let the man do what he wanted but he started approaching his hut, his hut has a few personal items he'd rather not stolen. So finally Ace made himself visible to the man.

Pompadour looked rather surprised by Ace's sudden presence.

"Ah. Do you live here?" Ace didn't respond. "Well sorry for intruding, but after seeing that fireball I got curious." Pompadour let out a small laugh before looking at Ace. He was probing for a reaction, he has to be.

Again ace didn't reply.

"C'mon I came out here to talk to you, you seem rather interesting after beating my men." Ace looked at the guy curiously. Suddenly a look of realization came across pompadour's face.

"I'm a commander of the Whitebeard pirates, the name's Thatch." Ace looked at pomadou- Thatch with an expressionless face.

"I see." Ace finally said. Thatch grinned widely. He finally got a response out of the kid.

"So are you a resident here?" Thatch asked as he took a seat on a nearby rock. Thatch was surprised when the kid shook his head. "No." Ace said as he rested his head on his hand.

"So what are you doing in a forest like this?" Ace sat silent for a moment. "Getting ready." Thatch looked at the teen with a quizzical gaze. "Can I ask for what?" Ace didn't reply making Thatch nod, "I'll take that as a no."

"Do you really eat that much?" He pointed to the deer meat on the fire. Ace shook his head. "No not usually." Thatch frowned. "Then why cook the whole thing if you're not going to eat it all?" Ace smiled in response.

"You got it wrong, I usually eat more than this." Thatch stared at Ace in silence before grinning. "Yea? What's stoppin you from getting the bigger ones round here?" Thatch noticed Ace's smile falter slightly before he shook his head.

"Doesn't matter." Thatch eyed the teen curiously before shrugging. "Well what about your name then?" Ace stared at Thatch before sighing. "Ace." Thatch grinned before nodding. "You look like an Ace." Ace looked at Thatch curiously. Thatch didn't seem to bother to explain himself.

"So are the Whitebeard pirates a big name or something?" Ace finally asked as he twisted the meat on the skewer. Thatch looked at Ace curiously. "Well, it's one of the strongest pirate crews on the sea." Ace looked at Thatch before shrugging. "Everyone's saying that so I guess you're probably right."

Thatch frowned before looking at Ace. "Have you really never heard of the Whitebeard pirates before?" Ace shook his head. "I don't know a lot of things." Thatch hesitantly nodded. "Bet thats annoying." Ace shrugged. "Only when someone tries to hold against you." Thatch stared at Ace for a moment before replying. "Have people held it against you before?" Ace thought for a moment before nodding. "It doesn't really matter now, though." Thatch nodded slowly.

Thatch looked at Ace curiously as he put his hand in the fire. "Making it bigger." Thatch nodded. "A devil fruit?" Ace gave a look at Thatch that said "duh".

"I'm sorry about my division attacking you." Ace nodded. "Wouldn't be the first time." Thatch gave Ace a hard glare. "What's that supposed to mean?" Thatch frowned. "Not the first person to think I'm a spirit." Thatch felt his eyes soften. "Oh." Ace nodded.

Thatch looked up and sighed. "I've enjoyed our chat Ace." Ace looked at Thatch. "But I've got to get back on the ship, we planned on leaving a few hours after getting here." Ace nodded. "Makes sense don't let me stop you." Thatch looked at Ace before standing up.

"I hope to see you around." Ace raised an eyebrow at Thatch who turned and walked away. Ace never said anything about being a pirate or being anything noteworthy for that matter. Ace watched as Thatch's figure retreated into the forest.

Ace looked at the meat before extinguishing the fire. He stared at the meat for a good 5 minutes before ultimately deciding to give it to the bears.

"You're finally back." Marco said with crossed arms. Thatch nodded. "You got a report I should hear about?" Marco said with a frown. Thatch shrugged. "There was a kid in there? I don't know what you're looking for." Thatch said as he crossed his own arms to mock Marco.

Marco shook his head. "We are going to be heading off the island in an hour." Thatch nodded. "I need to have a meeting with my own division Is there anything I should be aware about?" Marco shook his head, sighing.

"Nothing I doubt you already know." Thatch nodded before heading below the deck.

Whitebeard looked at Marco. "He met someone he liked didn't he?" Marco looked at pops before nodding. "Most likely." Marco let out a small laugh before going to do his own duties.

Whitebeard walked into the commanders office. He should hold a meeting soon. It would get the commanders caught up on anything they need to know about. It might even get Thatch to say something about this new friend of his.

Ace looked at the giant boat curiously. Well if a boat represented someone's strength this was certainly one of the strongest crews he's ever seen.

He's seen enough, if there are already crews like this out and about he has some catching up he needs to do.

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