Fish-Man island

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Ace looked in confusion as the shipwrights ran around the ship. From the looks of it they were coating the ship in bubbles, a strange sight indeed. Ace couldn't help but feel like an idiot, usually Sabo would be here to explain something like this, the damn know it all.

Ace pushed his hat off his head, it laid on his back.

He looked to the side as he heard yelling around the boat, and to say he panicked would be an understatement, he didn't exactly know how he thought they were going to go underwater, to Fish-Man island, but a giant bubble was certainly not how he thought it was going to go.

"Jeez, I can understand the panic but I didn't know it worked like that." Ace turned to look at Jozu. "Like what? What?" Jozu raised his hands. "You're really not used to people talking to you when you're invisible." Ace didn't reply. "You really haven't been out much." Jozu said with a frown.

Ace shook his head, "Not really, all I was taught was to punch people." Jozu hummed. "You burst into flames a second ago. Did you really not notice?" Ace looked at Jozu, "huh." Jozu shook his head, "I know spirits can have powers 'n all, but do spirits really not notice when they use their powers?" Jozu asked as he scratched his head.

"Powers...? No, you got it wrong." Ace said as he watched the bubble inflate to its full size. Jozu looked at Ace with a raised eyebrow. "Before we met, I ate a devil fruit." Jozu looked at Ace with wide eyes. "spirits can do that? Eat devil fruits?" Ace shrugged in response, "I guess so?" Jozu thought for a moment before replying, "Well, then, what is it?"

Ace looked away from Jozu, "The flame-Flame fruit." Jozu smiled, "So you don't know how to really control it yet? I remember when I first ate mine." Ace nodded. "It's not that I'm unfamiliar with it, it's just that it's a lot more... Unpredictable than what I thought it would be."

Jozu nodded, "Well, I don't know if you know, it will take around another day to reach Fish-Man island." Ace looked at the coating before nodding his head. "Ok."

Jozu walked off to do his own thing, Ace guessed it probably had to do with further preparation of the ship. Whatever this coating stuff was, it was probably in some way high maintenance.

Ace disappeared from view again, not long after talking to Jozu.

The topic of his devil fruit, the flame-flame fruit is almost exactly like his own fire powers. That's why he wanted to eat it, he would be in some sort of familiar territory. He understands what he's weak against and strong against as a fire user, excluding the sea and seastone of course. He's stronger against most zoan types and he is a logia.

Paramecia is a whole other story unfortunately. Despite his constant teasing to his brother, Luffy about his devil fruit. The Gum-Gum fruit, it's just in every way unpredictable. When you think about it, Rubber can do a lot of things, something that anybody knows, rubber doesn't break under blunt force, it can stretch, and a prime example, Luffy is unaffected by bullets.

But if you took a piece of rubber and shot at it, in any other case the rubber wouldn't propel the bullet it would simply break. Leading Ace to the conclusion that the devil fruits are exaggeration's of an actual thing, most of the time anyway.

Ace turned his head and looked at Marco, Marco being a pretty good example of what devil fruits shouldn't be, but is, a Mythical Zoan fruit, model phoenix.

He's only ever heard of Mythical Zoan's, never mythical logia's or mythical paramecia. Either they simply just don't ever fall in those categories, or they aren't natural, even for devil fruit standards.

With the existence of spirits it's a whole other story. Not everyone believes in spirits, and for good reason, to put it simply, spirits are dead people that came back to life. Nothing natural about that. With Dr. Vegapunk's research, the theory of spirits being living incarnations of devil fruits isn't too far off. Though that theory to the public at least is still a theory.

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