The Whitebeard Pirates

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Marco was on the crows nest looking out for potential threats as one does when you have nothing to do. Usually he has stacks upon stacks of paperwork but he's had it pretty easy recently.

From what Thatch was saying they needed to stop at an island before heading to their usual island, it will make them slightly behind but its necessary to do when you have a ship housing over 100 men.

Marco felt his arms disappear as wings took their place. He began a slow descent towards their captain, known as whitebeard but everyone just calls him pops or any kind of variation.

Whitebeard even though he was hooked up onto several monitors, sat tall. The world doesn't particularly know of their captains decline however, it had been somewhat of a surprise to Shanks when he came over for his monthly drop by.

Though when Shanks and himself spoke, Shanks had expressed he imagined it would happen. Marco took quick offense but when he really thought about it, anybody who knew Pops most likely knew this was going to be his fate.

After Roger was executed Pops lost a part of himself. Marco noticed almost right away the change in pops behavior, he drank more, he ate less... Marco shook his head, he didn't need to think about that.

"Pops." Marco said with a sigh as his father quickly hid a rather large bottle, of which Marco could only guess was Sake.

"Where is the usual nurse patrol, yoi?" Whitebeard did his usual guraguragura before shaking his head. "I would not know Marco." Marco frowned slightly but only sighed in response. "With pops not even making an effort to get better you'd wonder how he has lasted this long." Marco quickly gave up his train of thought and looked at Whitebeard again.

"I saw an island a bit away, yoi." Marco tried to hint at what he was trying to get at. Whitebeard nodded in response. "Tell the navigation division, have them set course towards the island." Whitebeard said with a small shake of his head. Marco didn't even need to ask what had suddenly upset his captain.

The loss of Oden had left their 2nd division leaderless, no one was up to the job nor the responsibilities that came with being a commander. Which left Marco with the paperwork and usually one of the commanders constantly present on the ship with the task of ordering the 2nd division around.

So going off course was usually something that became more of a chore than something exciting. Filling paperwork, changing routes, actually manning the ship to go to the island itself, it was all to put it simply a chore and annoying to do.

Marco had gotten to the helm pretty quickly. Instructing the current helmsman that they were changing course. He frowned in response but nodded.

"This island better be worth it" Marco thought with a slight frown. Though luckily for them, he hadn't seen any marines or other pirates over at the dock. Unfortunately the docking area alone would be enough space for their ship so they were probably going to have to do a lap around to find some inhabited space.

"Yo! Marco!" Thatch yelled while running up to Marco. Marco didn't respond. Either they had a friendly chat or Thatch is trying to get on his good side because either Thatch failed a prank or one that went in Thatch's words "hilariously well".

"Are we going to that island over there?" Marco sighed in relief "it's going to be a friendly chat."

Thatch looked slightly puzzled but elected to ignore it. "Yea we are going over there to restock, Izou had said we were getting short on  breakable weapons, yoi." Thatch laughed before nodding. "spars are no fun when you can't break a bat over a brother's head!" Marco frowned but decided not to bother.

"What current Commanders are on deck at the moment anyway?" Thatch said with furrowed brows. Izou, had gone to a neighboring island for a temporary mission pops had sent him on. Hence why they were going to an island that they usually wouldn't go to unless they planned to party.

Which unfortunately they weren't.

Marco thought for a moment "If my memory serves me right there should be Haruta, Namur, you, me, Jozu and Vista." Thatch nodded. "As expected of mother hen Marco." Marco paused for a second before sending Thatch a glare. "Clearly no longer a friendly chat."

Thatch only shrugged in reply before walking off with a shit eating grin. What made himself a mother hen anyway? Thatch is only saying that because he's a bird.

Marco rubbed his temples before flying back to his spot on the crows nest. It shouldn't be more than an hour before they arrive at the island. It looked promising too, that was always a good thing.

There was always a series of horrible islands then a good one, it makes Marco wonder if this is going to be a good one.

The island had an impressive forest that is for damn sure. It's not often you see a forest that big while a civilization of some sort inhabited the space as well.

Marco couldn't tell from the distance but there was a town. Marco has been short of books to read he can only hope they have a good assortment to choose from.

Marco thought for a moment before silently giving up. Should he be worried about why Thatch was inquiring about what commanders were present. Marco sighed, Thatch is probably going to go into the forest.

Marco probably shouldn't be worried. Thatch doesn't cause that much trouble.

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