Moldy wood

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Marco exited the room, he wanted to go to the commanders, go to Thatch and tell them Ace is going to be okay. But, he stayed outside the room, his head against the wall, he had to admit he was tired, he overused his flames, they aren't meant to be used like that, to burn. They are capable, but its tiring. He was leaning against the wall, his head down as he breathed, his arms were crossed.

"Sir?" Marco paused then looked up, it was a nurse, she looked worried. "Are you okay?" She asked, she was frowning. Marco rubbed his temples, "Yes, I'm fine, yoi." He said with a sigh. She smiled slightly, she turned her head towards Ace's room, "The chief of staff came with such a rush, here I thought we were up for battle." She admitted, Marco looked at her, she was clearly stressed, her hair stuck to her face, she was sweaty.

She must have ran all the way here, "Were you visiting with Ace sir?" She asked, more or less to confirm. The medical bay had been empty, mostly due to the fact that they were looking for uncommon medicines or remedies for Ace. "I was. Sabo knew what to do, yoi." He said, his face contorted into a grimace.

Ace must have really seeped his energy, he supposes it may be a side effect of the cold that he gets when using his flames on Ace, it'd make some sense.

The nurses eyes widened, almost comically so. "Hes awake." She whispered. Her eyes shone brightly, Marco didn't even need to say anything to her. She adjusted her skirt before opening the door, a smile plastered on her face. She seemed to falter slightly, most likely catching sight of Sabo, but she forgot it quickly enough.

Its clear to her that he didn't come to fight, rather to just help. Marco passed the room, before the door closed again. Sabo was sitting on a chair next to Ace, his eyes were closed. Marco sighed in relief, he'd be lying if he would say he wasn't glad Sabo wasn't crouched on the floor anymore.

Its just not what you envision when you think of The Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary army. It would probably be the same for himself, seeing him overly worried for another person, he'd easily forget his pride if one of his brothers were in trouble, but knowing how he is depicted in news papers, people probably don't think he's capable of such. Much less for someone who works under the most wanted man in the world.

He rubbed his eyes once more before going up the stairs that led to the deck. Pops was sitting in his chair, despite this he eyed Marco warily, he knew what he was up to clearly. Some others seemed to have the same idea, but others seemed mostly unaware of what most likely had just happened.

Instead of going up to Whitebeard he simply nodded, he heard his booming laughter as he walked away, he's positive he can leave it up to pops to tell of the news, he's due for a long sleep. He's not much of a party goer anyway, and once Ace wakes up, hes sure there will be another one.

A part of him hopes Sabo will stay for it.

Vista turned, slightly unsure of pops sudden laughter, but once he glanced he saw it wasn't anything bad. "What happened?" He asked, a smile forming on his face. It was like a cold, rather contagious, pops laughter had already made most of the surrounding people smile and laugh themselves.

"Ace is going to be okay!" He boomed. Vistas eyes widened. "W-Wha! Really? Since when!" He stuttered. He looked around, and everybody who heard, which was most of the front deck, looked as bewildered or surprised as he was. "Marco informed me himself." He supplied. Everybody turned to each other, spoke. Before Vista knew it, people were rolling barrels, standing atop boxes and yelling among each other.

He wanted to partake himself, but he turned towards Whitebeard. "Go inform them son." He said quietly. He nodded. His swords clattered as he ran towards the commanders meeting room. He knew a couple of them should be there, knowing this ship word of mouth will go around faster than he can.

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