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             IZZY WAS ALWAYS HAPPY TO SHOW UP TO WORK, but when Mazikeen was called in as an official consultant in Lucifer's place, there was a new pep in her step

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IZZY WAS ALWAYS HAPPY TO SHOW UP TO WORK, but when Mazikeen was called in as an official consultant in Lucifer's place, there was a new pep in her step. That wasn't to say she didn't miss one of her dearest friends – if anything, she was immensely worried to know that Lucifer had left Earth to rule over Hell once more, but it wasn't like she could just call him up so she was choosing to focus on the positive. And that was, in her opinion, being able to show up to work hand in hand with her girlfriend.

"Lee Garner. Stabbed through the abdomen, and get this-", Ella monologued, lifting up the dead man's wrist to show off what was missing, "whoever killed him, cut off his hand, too." Izzy cringed at the sight, but took notes as per Chloe's instruction, all the while standing next to Maze who looked more intrigued than anything.

"So, someone's going around the city with a severed hand with them", Izzy stated bluntly, "how nice." Maze snorted, throwing an arm over Izzy's shoulders while gesturing at the dead body.

"Man like this, sure he's got a lot of enemies. This boat must have cost a fortune, anyway", she pointed out, gesturing around the grand ship that they were huddled up in, with expensive furniture and paintings all around them. Izzy nodded in agreement, and so did Chloe, who huffed at the simple statement.

"We sure could use Lucifer's mojo right now, couldn't we?" she pondered out loud, and before Izzy could insist that they were going to help Chloe with whatever she needed, Ella was interjecting.

"I can't believe he just left without saying goodbye", she complained, and with a deep exhale, Izzy found herself agreeing. She had had to hear about Lucifer's departure from a heartbroken Benjamin, but at least she knew the truth whereas Ella... "I mean, Florida, really?"

An awkward silence landed in the room – the other three women knew very well that Lucifer wasn't taking over the family business in Florida, but rather supervising the torture of poor souls in the Underworld. But Izzy had learned from first-hand experience that the truth could be a lot to deal with – and more importantly, it wasn't her secret to share. Not that Lucifer had been too sneaky about it, anyway, the man practically advertised being the Devil.

"He'll be back, Ells. He always does", Izzy reassured with a warm smile, but rather than mirroring the expression, Ella sighed.

"I guess. It just really sucks that he left, and Mariah is gone, too. It's like, all my favorite people are leaving. No offense", she continued, and with a chuckle, Chloe promised no offense was taken. By now, it was no secret that Ella and Mariah Rose had hit it off in more ways than one – she had been more or less the reason that Mariah hadn't packed her bags and moved back to Los Angeles, after all.

"You know my mom said you're always welcome at their office", Izzy reminded, still trying to get used to the idea of LAPD's most prestigious starting a P.I office with her own mother, but she supposed it made sense – Diane had been aching to get back to doing something, to kiss retirement goodbye. Well, she sure had her hands full with Elaine back, now.

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