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WHILE IZZY AND DAN HAD BURIED THEMSELVES in witness statements, Mazikeen and Chloe had taken a different approach by going undercover at an exclusive poker game to sniff out Lee Garner's potential murderer

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WHILE IZZY AND DAN HAD BURIED THEMSELVES in witness statements, Mazikeen and Chloe had taken a different approach by going undercover at an exclusive poker game to sniff out Lee Garner's potential murderer. It wasn't until said potential murderer had gotten hit by a car and left a mere stain on the pavement that Izzy was called onto the scene to help keep the curious eyes of passersby at a distance. Poker players and random strangers with their phones out to film the situation alike were being pushed behind the yellow tape, Izzy flashing her flashlight at them and calling out orders to stay behind the allowed boundaries.

"Nothing to see here, folks", she announced, chuckling to herself about the cliché line while guiding an elderly woman further away.

"Nothing to see? There's a dead body on the ground", a tall, bearded guy called out from the audience, and with a roll of her eyes, Izzy turned back to the troublemaker that had his phone pointed at Izzy with the very obvious flash on – no doubt a video in progress, Izzy noted.

"Yes, there is, so why don't you act with some respect and let the detectives do their jobs instead of violating the poor man's final resting place?" she argued back, keeping her voice level and her lips in a polite smile – it was the words that were snappy enough to earn some snickers from the crowd and convince the guy to put his phone down.

"Izzy!" Chloe called out then, and with a turn on her boot, the Holt rushed to the detective's side – right at the dead body, that suddenly lifted his head with a crack of his neck.

"Holy f-", Izzy began, cut off when the man began talking, of all things.

"Oh, hey, you're the detective. I-I have a message from Lucifer", the corpse struggled to speak, his words causing Izzy to nearly fall on her ass from where she was squatted down to be at his level. She turned to look at Chloe who was just as taken aback, both of them struggling to process that they were speaking with a demon possessing a dead man's body. "It's safe where you stored it", he stated simply enough, repeating the words once more for good measure – but that was it.

"Is that Mazikeen?" the demon questioned finally before collapsing back into his dead state, and with a huff, Izzy glanced over her shoulder where Maze was teasing Ella – and she couldn't blame the demon for having wandering eyes, not when her girlfriend was dressed in that silver dress. Not to mention the lip ring, which Izzy could attest to being an interesting addition in heated kisses.

Turning to Izzy, Chloe furrowed her eyebrows together and sighed. "It's safe where you stored it", she repeated, "neat."

It was a whole new mystery for them to solve, but even with uncertainty in the air, Izzy couldn't help but break into a smile. Lucifer was still there.


YOU STORED IT! That turned out to be the name of the storage facility where Chloe, Izzy, and Maze ended up being led, none of them quite sure what they would come across but hoping for some actual clues or evidence. Counting down the numbers of the lockers, her hand brushing past each lock to make sure they were well-sealed, Izzy led them down the hallway towards the right locker in Lee's name.

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