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IZZY SPENT THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS glued to Maze's side, the two of them inseparable and completely in love with one another, only letting go of her for her therapy session. But eventually they figured that life had to go on, and with her therapist's approval, Izzy decided it was time for her to get back to work – she wasn't fixed, by any means, but having weekly sessions guaranteed some kind of outlet and stability that she had been craving, and she was officially cleared for duty. Some time away had done her good, but it had also confirmed that she really did want to be a detective, because no other job called her name the same way, and eventually lounging around the house got tiresome.

She explained as much to Captain Moretti, who was observing Izzy's giddy appearance from behind her desk. "Alright, well, if you're sure and your therapist thinks so... then I choose to believe you're ready to come back", the Captain approved, getting out of her chair to walk over to the tall cabinet by the wall. She took Izzy's gun and badge out of one of the lockers and handed them over with a smile, which the Holt happily returned. "Glad to have you back, officer. You can get started by helping Decker and Nolan with Bruna Lorenzoni's murder", Moretti added, and nodding in agreement, Izzy holstered her gun and attached her badge to her hip.

"Thanks, Cap." With that, she stepped out of the office and sealed the door behind her before making her way to Chloe and Kai who were huddled together by the man's desk, both of them intently eyeing the folder in front of them. She didn't quite make it to them when Lucifer and Benjamin were emerging from behind the corner, with the Devil loudly acknowledging Izzy and landing a hand on her shoulder.

"Izzy! So delighted you've decided to rejoin us. I trust you can help the Detective while Benjamin and I attend my Father's retirement party", he announced with a grin, only to be met with a puzzled frown from Izzy. The woman glanced between Lucifer and Benjamin, the latter of which was radiating with concern and uncertainty, and she couldn't blame him. What would God retiring even mean for the universe?

"Your Dad is retiring? What... what's gonna happen?" she asked carefully, still not a hundred percent sure how things worked in Heaven, or Hell for that matter, but surely someone would have to take over, look after the world. Izzy just wasn't expecting it to be... Lucifer.

"Lucifer is going to be God", Benjamin butted in, the expression on his face obviously not pleased – if anything, the usually irresponsible and reckless Espinoza was full of solemnity and worry, far from Lucifer who seemed like his confident self.

With her eyebrows flying high, Izzy turned back to Lucifer. "You're going to be God? How does that even work?" she questioned, feeling a swing of anxiety in the pit of her stomach as she considered never seeing Lucifer again. From what she had learned, God wasn't meant to be on Earth, and the thought of Lucifer just leaving was one that didn't sit well with her. Surely not with Benjamin, either.

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