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IZZY HAD FOUND THE PERFECT DISTRACTION to keep her mind off of Mazikeen's plans for their future – studying for the detective's exam. She had been reading through the materials here and there, but now that the exam was only a few days away, she had begun cramming with dedication and determination to pass. She wanted nothing more than to follow in Dan's footsteps, and that was only more reason why she was hesitant about going to Hell. Mazikeen hadn't exactly given her a schedule that she wanted to follow, it was just a plan yet to be set in motion, but deep down, Izzy knew she wasn't ready to leave Earth or her job or her friends. Not to mention, she didn't think she was exactly cut out for torturing people. Bringing criminals to justice was one thing but punishing them for their actions for all of eternity was an entirely another concept.

Her peace in the break room was interrupted by Dan who peeked in through the doorway and whistled to get her attention. "Hey, future detective Holt. We got a new case", he grinned at her, and nodding to acknowledge him, Izzy finished reading the page she was on and then shut the heavy book in front of her. She got up and left the book on the table so she could return to it later, but for now, she wanted to be helpful to the case at hand.

"Don't jinx it", Izzy warned Dan playfully, "I'm not a detective yet." She hoped it was in her future, though, admittedly giddy at the simple thought of getting to solve her own cases. She was happy to assist in any way she could, but there was no denying that she was just a supporting character in every case so far, trusted to do the jobs no one else wanted to do.

"Well, you will be. I know it", he insisted, making her smile.

The two of them walked over to the conference room where Chloe, Lucifer, Kai and Ella were already waiting, with the forensic scientist going over the details of the murder. The screen in front of them had pictures of the victim, with the name Jonathan Donnelly over the photos, also displaying the gunshots to his chest. Izzy leaned against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest, listening intently as Ella explained the situation.

"Our vic had received a threatening text saying he was going to pay. Turns out, the message is from a psychic called Odetta Watson", the Lopez finished, earning understanding nods from everyone in the room.

"Alright, Izzy, will you come check out Odetta with me?" Chloe turned to Isadora, who quickly agreed that she was up for the job. "I just need to check in with the Captain before we leave. Meet you at the car?" Detective Decker suggested, and with a smile, Izzy promised to do just that.

With that, the group disassembled, but before Izzy left for the parking lot, she turned to Lucifer. "So, how's the whole God situation?" she spoke quietly, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention to their conversation. They did, however, catch Kai's ear and the curious man turned to Izzy and Lucifer, but since he already knew the truth about the Devil and everything that came with him, they didn't push him away.

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