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IZZY HAD TRIED HER VERY BEST to catch up with Dan, but the man had managed to escape into their magical city and shake Izzy off of his trail. She had stopped by his house, to no avail, and so, as the sun set into the sky and the nightly stars came out, she cut her losses and headed home. In a downward spiral, she had been glad to notice that neither Elaine nor Mazikeen were home, and she could channel her uncontrollable emotions into the blade she had hidden in the bathroom cabinet. It was starting to become a cycle she couldn't break out of, like she needed it, like there was no other remedy to how she was feeling except hurting herself. In some way, she felt like she deserved the temporary pain.

And as per usual, the night that had come quicker than she would have liked, went by without sleep. She tossed and turned until sunrise, and even with Maze's arm around her hips, she couldn't be persuaded into staying in bed any longer than necessary.

Izzy made herself busy by preparing breakfast for all three of them, from bacon and eggs to toast and smoothies, and eventually the clatter in the kitchen got Mazikeen to drag herself out of their bedroom with a groggy frown. "Baby", Maze groaned, rubbing her eyes as she approached Izzy who greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. "What happened to our morning cuddles?" she pouted, and with a chuckle, Izzy proceeded to plate all the food while gesturing for Maze to take a seat by the island.

"Sorry. I wanted to get a jumpstart on breakfast", Izzy offered a vague explanation, one that Mazikeen didn't fully accept, but she couldn't say anything when Isadora was continuing. "Is this yours? I don't think it's been in our apartment before", she questioned the heavy book that rested on the kitchen counter, and just like that, she got Maze off of her scent and distracted her with the other topic heavy on her mind.

"It's mine. It has to do with souls and all that. Figured I should do my research so I know how to go about getting one", Maze rambled and grabbed the book to flip through it while munching on her breakfast. Intrigued, Izzy rounded the counter and towered behind Mazikeen, her arms snaking down her shoulders as she hung her head over hers and eyed the pages in front of them.

"You'll get there, sweetheart. I know it", Izzy encouraged before planting a kiss on the side of Maze's head, earning a wide grin from the demon.

When Izzy's phone began ringing next to the toaster, she uncurled her arms away from Maze and stepped back around the island to grab the device. At the sight of Lucifer's name, she frowned and answered the call with curiosity rearing its head in her chest. "Lucifer? What's up?" she greeted the man with wonder in her voice, and with a similar look in her eyes, Maze observed the woman and how her face slowly twisted from confusion to horror.

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