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ISADORA WAS BEWILDERED, to say the least, when all she did was blink and all of a sudden, she was at home, seated on her living room couch. Not more than a second ago, she had been at the precinct, just having announced her leave of absence and in the arms of her girlfriend, and now...

"What the fuck?" she whispered under her breath, but an ounce of relief entered her system when she spotted Mazikeen in the corner of her eye, the demon awkwardly hovering in the space between their kitchen and their living room, her hands folded in front of her in an uncomfortable manner that alerted Izzy's inner alarm bells. "What's going on? What's wrong?" she questioned, worry seeping into her voice, and finding the courage to approach her, Mazikeen made her way over to Izzy and knelt in front of her, her hands coming to rest on Izzy's knees.

"Amenadiel stopped time. We-we fought", she started, and frowning, Izzy tilted her head at the woman.

"You and Amenadiel? Why?" she fired another question, and sighing, Maze nodded.

"Me, Amenadiel, Lucifer and... Michael", Mazikeen opened up, and immediately, Izzy was huffing in frustration. "I know you're not gonna like this, but baby, I did what I had to do. He said he could help me", she continued, and at that, Izzy zeroed in on Maze's stare, her eyebrows knitted together in uncertainty as she tried to decipher the look on her girlfriend's face.

"What did you do, Mazikeen?"

Running a hand over her face, Maze stood up. "Michael said he could help me get a soul. So I... I helped him", she explained, defiance written all over her face as she folded her arms over her chest, clearly standing behind her decision.

"You helped Michael fight Lucifer? Maze, what happened to kicking his ass? What happened to us against him?" Izzy stood up from the couch, as well, feeling a surge of disorientation kick her in the head as she faltered on her own two feet. Mazikeen reached out to balance her, but Izzy snatched her arm away from her, taking a step away entirely to create distance between them. "You know what he did to me and you still take his side?" Izzy added in heartbreak, feeling the knife twist in her heart. The one person she could always rely on, no matter what, and she had chosen her worst enemy over her.

"You know I want a soul more than anything", Maze retaliated, her fiery personality bubbling up as she argued back, but instead of cowering, Izzy met her with equal anger.

"Clearly you want it more than you want me, too. You're pushing me away for the sake of a soul, Mazikeen. How are you supposed to be worthy of one when you stab the one person you're supposed to care for in the back like this?" she fumed, and in response, Mazikeen's eyes widened and she was unable to spit anything equally venomous back. It was obvious that Izzy's words had hurt her, and immediate regret sank into the Holt's heart, but instead of apologizing, she headed for the front door.

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