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FOR THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS, Izzy moved on autopilot. Without Mazikeen, she wouldn't have eaten, showered, or slept, but the demon kept her routines running. In moments of tranquility, the grief ate her whole and she spent most of her time crying in bed. It didn't feel real – how was she meant to process the fact that the next time she'd go to work, Dan wouldn't be there? She'd never get to hear him rant about someone eating his pudding again or go on a tirade about healing crystals. It felt like a piece of her had been ripped out, and she didn't have the tools to heal the wound inside her.

His funeral came quickly, and Izzy felt like it was too soon. She wasn't ready to bury the man and his memory, but she didn't have a say in it, so instead, she just got dressed in her uniform and Mazikeen styled her hair in bouncy curls. The two women were situated in the bathroom, with Izzy sitting on top of the closed toilet lid and Mazikeen standing between her legs with the curler in her hands, delicately twisting Izzy's hair into waves, careful not to burn her skin.

"You look beautiful", Maze spoke quietly when she was done, offering Izzy a sad smile while cupping her cheeks in her hands. "He'd think so, too", she added, and sniffling, Izzy nodded.

"Thank you, baby", she uttered, kissing the back of Maze's hand before getting up and using her one good hand to dig through their shared closet for her high heels. Mazikeen watched her movements, wishing she could take her pain away – and she did have a plan to do that.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay without me?" the demon questioned with a frown. They had agreed that Izzy would rely on all her other loved ones during the funeral, because Mazikeen was determined to hunt down the man who was behind Dan's death, a mercenary called Vincent. She didn't want to waste any time in the fear that the man would slip away from them, and as much as Izzy wished Maze could be holding her hand through the ceremony, she also wanted Vincent caught and punished, and she knew her girlfriend was the right person for the job. Besides, Mazikeen was grieving, too, and Izzy was well-aware that punching her way through it was her method of processing.

"As long as you make it hurt", Izzy promised, dead-serious as she returned from the closet and locked eyes with Mazikeen. The brunette nodded, caressing her cheek tenderly before reaching in to kiss the corner of her mouth, and closing her eyes at the contact, Izzy sighed.

Maze drove her to the funeral, a feeling of numbness residing in Izzy's heart as she sat in the passenger seat. It didn't feel like she was on her way to say goodbye to her best friend. Once she arrived, she quickly spotted Chloe and Trixie in the front row, with Kai next to them, holding Chloe's hand. At the sight of Izzy, though, the man rose from his seat and trekked across the green grass to make his way over.

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