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GREAT. The first woman – the woman who had tried to steal Mazikeen from Izzy, was back. Izzy had never considered herself a jealous person, but then Eve had shown up in L.A and tried relentlessly to seduce Maze, and suddenly, Izzy was fuming and seeing red. Maze had, of course, shot down Eve's attempts but it had hardly deterred the woman who had gone as far as to kiss her – a sight that had sunken Izzy's heart even if Mazikeen had pulled away and told Eve off. Now, with her in Clive Winter's house, it seemed that she was back for more, and that was quite enough to put a scowl on Izzy's face.

"So, I realized I want to be a bounty hunter, just like you", Eve finished her long explanation of what she had been up to for the past months, and more importantly, why she had come back now. Izzy was unimpressed, her arms crossed over her chest as she leaned against the wall and watched the woman bat her lashes at Mazikeen, who was seated next to Eve on the couch.

"You don't have to be in L.A to be a bounty hunter", Izzy retorted. Eve averted her gaze from Maze over to her and smiled shyly, but Izzy wasn't buying the whole innocence act. She simply glared back at her with venom, her priority of helping Linda now sharing her focus with the goal of keeping Eve as far away from Maze as possible.

"She's right. Why did you come back here?" Maze agreed with Izzy, but the dark-haired woman only broke into a grin and nudged Maze with her elbow.

"'Cause I wanted to learn from the best, obviously", she gestured at the demon, earning a displeased scoff from Izzy. The redhead wanted nothing more than to grab her girlfriend and leave Eve in the dust, but she didn't voice that thought out loud. "Come on, we're all after Clive, so why not let me help?" Eve continued, and with a doubtful look in her dark eyes, Mazikeen shifted her stare from her to Izzy.

"I think it's up to Izzy", Mazikeen decided, and touched by her consideration, Izzy gave her a soft smile. Still, she didn't want to spend any more time with Eve than necessary. That said, they really needed to find Clive and help Linda, so reluctantly, she sighed.

"Fine. But I'm watching you", she came to the conclusion that maybe, with her in the room with them, Eve would keep her paws off of Maze. The woman cheered with a clap of her hands and an excited squeal, one that earned an eye roll from Izzy – and that, in turn, made Maze smile a little bit. Usually, she was the jealous one, so to see Izzy claim possession of her for once... well, the demon couldn't deny she liked it a little.

"This is going to be fun!" Eve insisted, but despite the enthusiasm in her voice, Izzy couldn't help but feel like they were headed towards disaster.

Chloe and Lucifer called them soon enough with more information on Clive – apparently, their newest suspect had made a call to the man and they had traced his cellphone to a nearby warehouse. The three women made their way to a rooftop across from the warehouse, each of them peeking over the edge to keep their eye on the entrance, and the air between them was tense to say the least. Izzy had wedged herself between Maze and Eve, but it didn't stop the latter from shooting heart eyes at the demon.

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